2021.12.01.0035 perf regression on RPi

I rolled back to 2021.11.30.2226 as transcoding was too slow to watch live TV.

Looking at the diff of the changes between the builds, I am having trouble seeing what would have caused a regression.

Can you try it again?

Could have been me. Nothing a hard reboot couldn't fix. I am back on 2021.12.01.0035 The box is keeping up when transcoding. I think it might be reasonable to ask for a reboot when upgrading on RPi 4

We have not found reboots to be needed when upgrading between DVR releases, so it isn't something we blanket suggest.

I would have to understand more about the specific workloads that were running when the issue happened to really shed any more light on the issue, but it isn't something that is widespread.

The box is having issues when transcoding at 1080p/10Mbps a local 1080i channel.

Edit: To provide some more details

# systemctl status channels-dvr

Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of channels-dvr.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
● channels-dvr.service - Channels DVR
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/channels-dvr.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/channels-dvr.service.d
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-11-30 21:22:13 PST; 2h 54min ago
Main PID: 523 (channels-dvr)
Tasks: 20 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/channels-dvr.service
├─ 523 /mnt/sda1/Channels/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr
└─6988 [ffmpeg-dl]. <<<< DEAD

Nov 30 21:22:13 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Channels DVR.

Are you running the 64bit OS as @tmm1 suggested?

Nope, not yet. Coming soon. :wink:

The other dev stated that the pi fully reboots when it upgrades installs.
I asked that question before.
Maybe he meant it will only do a full reboot when it has a firmware update qued...i forget.

"system image upgrades" so, that means the OS image for the Pi, not the separate server updates. i guess

Correct. An OS update needs to reboot the system because the image uses A/B partitions. What this means:

  1. System boots into partition A with the OS
  2. System downloads OS update and installs into partition B
  3. System reboots, and tries to boot from the new image in partition B
    • If there are no issues, the new OS version is booted from partition B
    • If there are problems booting from the new image, booting falls back to the previous version in partition A, and it was as if no update occurred

When updating just the DVR, such a process isn't needed:

  1. When a new DVR update is downloaded, it is saved into a directory named after its version number/date
  2. The DVR changes the latest version reference from the current version to the new downloaded version
  3. The DVR restarts itself, using the new version it downloaded
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