[RELEASE] Streaming Library Manager for Channels

Streaming Library Manager

Dealing with all the media options available nowadays is a massive pain! For instance, in Channels DVR, users have the ability to add "Stream Links" and "Stream Files" as local content. They can also have additional custom linear stations by integrating streaming m3u playlists. And then there are even more ways to customize the experience! While these tools are powerful, they have limitations that often require a fair bit of maintenance and knowhow. But what if we could make the whole process a little... easier?

Making these tasks a seamless and simple experience is the purpose behind Streaming Library Manager and it's set of custom extensions. To learn more, visit the Github repo here:



Streaming Library Manager is a shell application that houses a set of custom extensions. Some are on by default during installation while others must be initiated. Either way, each can be turned on and off at will with minimal concerns or loss of user data. The currently available extensions are...

It's been said already but wow, really exceptional work! :+1:

I can only dream of doing work that is even half as good as this!

I like the new MTM extension. Nice! :slightly_smiling_face:

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The documentation is top notch and the features look wonderful. I installed on Windows and my storage is on a NAS. I worked my way through a few install issues. The most important:
The program asks for the " Channels Directory". I believe you should be asking for the location of the "Personal Media Movies" location and also the Personal Media TV" location. They are separate configurable locations in the Sources section of Channels DVR. Also, the program creates it's own directory tree starting with creating "imports" at the location we provide. I've configured around this by adding a second Movies location and TV location.

There is no mention of how to run the program. I'm creating a scheduled task on startup to launch SLM.exe

One last recommendation: After streamlines are created, the user should be instructed to go to /Sources /Personal Media and scan personal media using the dropdown.

Thank you and Happy Holidays,


You should not do this yourself as it will cause issues for you later. How to do this is specifically described in the Startup section of the repo:


This is also specifically described and clarified throughout the documentation.



This is completely unnecessary and will cause problems for you. SLM uses the natural Channels DVR directory structure and you should reconfigure so you are using the correct one. Please re-read the section highlighted above and look closer at the screens shots, as well, since they make it clear what you should be looking for. You are just making things needlessly complicated for yourself.

This is completely unnecessary, too. SLM and MTM already have the tools that are necessary to do everything without ever having to launch into Channels, especially in an automated way.

Also, if you are manually generating Stream Links, you are specifically told what steps are necessary by the program itself:


The startup task you create does not work for my environment.

  • It requires a user to log in. I have a stand alone server
  • It does not run under the user that I need to gain access rights on my NAS

At least for now, I've disabled the one you created and have gone back to my working one.

When I used the parent directory, the code created a new folder structure in the wrong place on my NAS. I backed that out and pointed to my Imported Files Directory. I let your program create the folders there. In channels I pointed to the TV and Media folders you created. I've been able to create stream links and have used them. It is a delight! I've also deleted them and they go away.

I only use SLM. For now I don't see a need for MTM.

Thank you for sharing your great work,


NP, whatever works for you, I suppose; just can't provide assistance to unsupported deployment methods. Enjoy!

I would not expect you to and appreciate your releasing this wonderful app.

I've left Stream Links/Files: End-to-End Process disabled as that's the way it defaults. It sounds like a very useful feature. Is there a reason not to turn it on as it sounds like a very useful feature?

Thank you,


If the user is really into manual maintenance or granular control. SLM is designed to be as hands on or off as the end-user wants it to be!

That was probably very helpful when you were coding. I love automation so turning it on.

Thank you,


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