Streaming Library Manager
Dealing with all the media options available nowadays is a massive pain! For instance, in Channels DVR, users have the ability to add "Stream Links" and "Stream Files" as local content. They can also have additional custom linear stations by integrating streaming m3u playlists. And then there are even more ways to customize the experience! While these tools are powerful, they have limitations that often require a fair bit of maintenance and knowhow. But what if we could make the whole process a little... easier?
Making these tasks a seamless and simple experience is the purpose behind Streaming Library Manager and it's set of custom extensions. To learn more, visit the Github repo here:
Streaming Library Manager is a shell application that houses a set of custom extensions. Some are on by default during installation while others must be initiated. Either way, each can be turned on and off at will with minimal concerns or loss of user data. The currently available extensions are...