4k hdr video file not display correctly on Nvidea Shield

I submitted diagnostics for this but thought a bit of explanation was in order. A 4k HDR10 file will not play correctly on an Nvidea Shield device connected to an HDTV that is not 4k. Results in a green screen with video artifacts across the top while the audio plays normally. Playing the same file back using a browser client on win10 pc, the file plays normally. Tried several similar files this morning with same results so its not a one off.

Playing the exact same file in Plex from the same storage location it plays fine on the shield. Something up with the transcoder in Channels.

I recently purchased an Nvidia Shield TV and I have found that my HDR 4k videos played through CHDVR do not activate HDR on my 4k HDR LG TV but playing the same video, on the same tv, via Plex, does activate HDR. In fact, when I play these HDR videos via CHDVR the color is very washed out.

When I use my 1st Gen APTV 4k on the same TV, the same video plays in HDR using CHDVR. I expect it has something to do with the Android app.

Possibly related, it could be due to the codec being used:

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