You can't use
to access a locally hosted (or any) webpage, using the actual LAN IP address of the PC with the port number almost always works though.
I did but still the same thing
Is the container running? Also, you never posted the other Portainer screenshot I requested.
yes you see i go to the ip provided and it doesnt come up here is the ip and what other screenshot are you reffering to:
You don't use that IP, you use the IP of the Docker host, which in this case is your Windows system. Figure out what that is, and then use 57143 for the port number.
And, you have another problem. You changed the port number on the container side to 7778 -- which you generally do not do. The container side stays the same, and only change the host port number, when using bridge networking.
I have also used that one but nothing let me know if you want a screenshot of that one too?
Use the compose I posted above, exactly as I posted it, and only modify the env vars that are placed in the Environment variables
section of Portainer-Stacks. You've clearly modified the compose itself.
Trying to set this up and get error
failed to deploy a stack: Network olivetin_default Creating Network olivetin_default Created Container olivetin Creating Container static-file-server Creating Container static-file-server Created Container olivetin Created Container static-file-server Starting Container olivetin Starting Error response from daemon: Mounts denied: The path /users/olivetin is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker. You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing. See Change settings | Docker Docs for more info.
I'm using a M@ Mac Mini
CHANNELS_CLIENTS=Living Room Dixon Living Room Master Bedroom
DVR_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
LOGS_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
TUBEARCHIVIST_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
PORTAINER_HOST= (I pulled this from IP address listed on the portainer docker)
Answered here:
I just screwed up my portainer by trying to update it. I can no longer get to my Portainer local site and cannot get to the ETVPlus site. Whatever I did now shows that portainer has the same ports as ETV in Docker. How can I fix this? I followed the update instructions from Portainer exactly but still managed to mess it up.
Update: I can get everything to work through Docker, except the Portainer and ETV containers cannot run at the same time. I don't know how they got to be on the same port. I tried to update the Portainer port, but it didn't work. I still cannot access the portainer local host
2025-02-21 06:28:28 2025/02/21 12:28PM INF > starting HTTP server | bind_address=:9000
2025-02-21 06:33:28 2025/02/21 12:33PM INF > the Portainer instance timed out for security purposes, to re-enable your Portainer instance, you will need to restart Portainer |
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > encryption key file not present | filename=portainer
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > proceeding without encryption key |
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > loading PortainerDB | filename=portainer.db
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > found Chisel private key file on disk | private-key=/data/chisel/private-key.pem
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40:44 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40:44 server: Fingerprint z9kGpWAgF2kkJ7pVN5swYcTeQvI4UD1aB0ehR+Fh8EE=
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40:44 server: Listening on
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > starting Portainer | build_number=163 go_version=1.23.5 image_tag=2.27.0-linux-arm64 nodejs_version=18.20.6 version=2.27.0 webpack_version=5.88.2 yarn_version=1.22.22
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > starting HTTPS server | bind_address=:9443
2025-02-21 06:40:44 2025/02/21 12:40PM INF > starting HTTP server | bind_address=:9000
Looks to me like Portainer is acting the way it does when it's in first-time setup mode. If that's the case, you have limited time from any Portainer restart to access the WebUI, and complete setup.
From the commandline:
docker restart portainer
And then go to the Portainer webUI promptly using port number:
Thanks. I got it working by reinstalling Portainer. All of my containers were still there, and everything was working correctly. However, it did not update Portainer to the latest version. Is that essential?
Watchtower will update Portainer just like any other running container. When installed in RUN_ONCE mode you should see Watchtower present in your container list but not running. When you want to run it, tick the adjacent box and then click start. When done, all running containers will be the latest version -- including Portainer.
It's not essential to always been on the very latest version of Portainer, but you also don't want to be a year out of date.
Perfect, thank you.
You need to stop and remove the old container first, then pull the latest image and run.
Or let Watchtower update it.
Here's how I update my Portainer (of course you need to use your version of the run statement)
docker stop portainer
docker rm portainer
docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest
docker run --detach --env 'TZ=America/Los_Angeles' --name=portainer --restart=always -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /volume1/docker/portainer:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
Unfortunately, my client names have spaces in them. Is there a way to format the text for the CHANNELS_CLIENTS variable to accommodate that?
The values needed here are the LAN hostnames or IP addresses of your Channels clients -- not the names used in the CDVR server webUI.