A Javascript error has occurred!

I started getting this Java error today. If you need more information let me know. Here are the versions I'm running.

Channels: 2018.11.20.2224
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center

Also tried installing the latest version of Java Version 8 Update 201 but made no difference. This occurs on the Settings tab.

Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on Channels Community or to support@getchannels.com.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of null
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Does it show the Check For Update button? Try holding SHIFT and clicking it.

It says Checking... but the screen flashes on and off and the lower settings window text goes blank and then repeats. Nothing happens when I hold the Shift key and try to click on Check for Updates. The button is not showing long enough to click on it.

I did a screen capture of what I see. Do you have a place I can upload the 9MB mov file?

Open powershell and run:

curl -Method Put

Let me know if that fixes the issue after waiting a few minutes for it to update, then refresh the browser.

Thanks, that worked. I now have version: 2019.02.12.0028

I received a javascript error just now. I'm running version 2018.11.20.2224 on Chrome 71.0.3578.98 and macOS 10.14.2

Here's the error:

A Javascript error has occurred!

Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on Channels Community or to support@getchannels.com.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'ID' of undefined
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Does refreshing the browser fix it?

I closed the browser tab and opened a new tab with -- and the problem was gone.

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I just got the same JS error. My browser was on Up Next overnight while a new recording was added. I clicked to Unwatched and the new recording showed up, but also this error. Refreshing made it go away. Win 10, Firefox 71.0, Channels 2019.12.11.0456.

I also have a Javascript error but mine looks different:

I cannot seem to pull the guide up on my AppleTV either.
I closed my browser window and re-opened and it still gives the error.
Did I hose the java on my dvr server host?

Edit. Works in Chrome but not Firefox.

Are you running the latest Channels DVR prerelease version?

No, not yet. I'll try it.

How do I make the 'check for updates' button come back. Mine says 'up to date!' with no button.
edit came back a few minutes later. I think i'm good.