Adaptive transcoder is too aggressive in trying for higher bitrates

I'm having some struggles with low speed service and getting the adaptive transcoder to handle it. I have some wireless link that are pretty low speed. I cannot get channels to stream across these reliably unless I force the client down to 720p2Mbps. The adaptive transcoder just isn't handling it well.

I can watch in the web player as the HLS streams populate and then the web client must switch to the lower stream, but even that stream isn't low enough resolution.

Can we get some options to tweak the transcoder for various resoutions? I can make ffmpeg produce a very pleasant 1080p stream at 2Mbps.

We need diagnostics from the client after the buffering issues so we can examine why the adaptive algorithm is not working in this case.

Can you instruct me on how to provide this? I have 'help imrpove channels' on, and I can submit a diagnostics file. Tell me how I can contribute.

In the app click Settings > Support > Submit

I just sent one. Constant pausing on the playback on iPhone on a 3Mbps limit. Adaptive doesn't seem to be adapting. Note, this is your pre-release version, idk if that's part of it.

FYI, if I set my iPhone to the default 'original' it is completely unwatchable, 1 frame per 3 seconds or so and it doesn't initiate the transcoder as if setting 'original' disables the transcoder.

Correct, original means no transcoding.

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How low is 'low speed'?

~3Mbps. I'm artificially limiting this with a mikrotik router for testing. If I set a client to 4,6, or 8Mbps the adaptive transcoder doesn't get where it needs to be. Note, this is with clients configured as on 'Home' network. Only if I undershoot and put 2Mbps in does it actually play cleanly.

Is the adaptive transcoder even actually working for devices at 'home'?

As far as I know the adaptive streaming is for remote only.
Here are the original threads.
For Recordings playback Testing the new Experimental Transcoder (for improved remote viewing of recorded content)
For Live TV Testing Adaptive Bitrate Live TV Streaming (for improved viewing of remote TV)

I read through those but I didn't see that explicitly stated.

There’s definitely something wrong with how the bitrate adjustment is operating. It is making the wrong decision and not decreasing the bitrate when it looks like it should. I’ll dig into the details more to figure out where the issue is.

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@eric I'm doing this all 'local', or at least that's what I'm telling the app, so I think I'm just not actually using the adaptive stuff at all.

@syadnom It looks like you have something wrong with your setup. The way that you are proxying the connections to the DVR is leaving it exposed publicly to the internet with no authentication. This could allow anyone to delete all of your content (and change any other settings on the system).

What did you do to expose your DVR?

It's not exposed to the internet, just to another subnet. I NAT'd it through so I can use the app on a different subnet. Otherwise I was getting a page for 'authentication' that wouldn't let me through.

It is in fact currently accessible by anyone on the internet using your IP address.

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