ADB Tuner

I am looking to buy an adb tuner device for dazn, i dont know if it even exists but if it does could someone please reecomend one and give me like an amazon link or something of the exact device, thanks in advance

This is your best bet

I just found this on AliExpress:
$303.90 | Link Pi ENC5-V2 5-port HDMI Encoder 4K Decoder 1080P NDI HX SRT RTMP RTSP Live stream IPTV IPCam 4GB DRR4 Support vMix,OBS

That’s one piece of the equation. Does DAZN have deep links that you can tune a chrome cast device to with adbtuner? You should confirm that before investing in the HDMI iptv device


Thanks do you or anyone know if DAZN have deep links that you can tune a chrome cast device to with adbtuner?

Cant help you unfortunately. I dont know what dazn is...

What service are you trying to use to watch DAZN?

Nfl pass

You'll probably have to dig deep in the manifest file inside the apk for that as I'm not sure. Your best bet is using ah4c for DAZN if there isnt

What is ah4c does it require a tuner hardware?


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