ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Correct. ADBTuner is self-contained and generates its own ADB key files on first startup and will appear as a new device.

You could, in theory, copy the ADB key files from your host machine ~/.android/ into the adbtuner_config docker volume if you wish to reuse them, but in most cases it's easier to just accept the connection when you have access to the remote control.

I didn't do anything for station IDs. I can add that as a field on each channel if that would be helpful. I've just been mapping the m3u channels to guide data in the Channels DVR web interface.


I didn't realize that it was possible to select the guide data in the interface - Would station IDs be needed if the channel being added is not in the guide? - for example BBC News has no TVE stream for YTTV, therefore, I don't think it would show up as a choice (or would it?)


I totally agree, The ability to share channels lists is a pretty great feature. The devices are cheap, I'd just get android devices that were all compatible.

Here is the FireTV stick info.

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Yes, it's in the list of choices. :slight_smile:



I've struck out trying to get this running, mostly because I'm too dense to understand Docker's documentation to get things going on a Mac. I got as far as having this appear in both my Containers and Images tabs on Docker Desktop for Mac, but when I go to the IP address for the web interface for ADBTuner ( I get a "page not found".

Like I said, this is mostly due to my lack of ability to follow the Docker learning center instructions. My tinkering with Channels has taught me that programmers speak a different language than I do and presume a certain level of background that I don't have. :slight_smile: For example, the learning center instructions say, "Open the sample application in your IDE and then open the Dockerfile to explore its contents" with no further explanation. I don't know what an "IDE" is, and, while I presume I click on the name of the sample to "open the Dockerfile", I'm not even sure about that.

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I think we can make this pretty easy. Presuming you have Docker Desktop installed:

Copy the following and save it as docker-compose.yml. Doesn't really matter where you save it. ~/Desktop/docker/adbtuner/ would be fine.

version: '2'
    image: turtletank99/adbtuner
    restart: always
    init: true
      - adbtuner_config:/app/.config
      - "5592:5592"

The open a terminal window and navigate to that directory.
cd ~/Desktop/docker/adbtuner/

Then type the following:
docker-compose up -d

That's it. It should be running and configured to automatically restart.

While in that directory you can type docker-compose logs to see application logs for further troubleshooting if needed.


Get Image not found.

docker run -d --init -p 5592:5592 --name adbtuner -v adbtuner_config:/app/.config adbtuner

Should Be

docker run -d --init -p 5592:5592 --name adbtuner -v adbtuner_config:/app/.config turtletank99/adbtuner

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Thanks. Good catch. I will update the docs.


Is this for only windows machines. Can't get it working in Synology NAS. IP binds to

1 Like would indicate it is bound to all network interfaces.
Is the web interface not available at


No, states internal server error.

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Did you create the named volume when launching the container?

-v adbtuner_config:/app/.config


I just pasted the docker run command. Wasn't sure how to create the volume. Do I crate new folder in the NAS. I'm not sure how to set this up.

Does this work with Hulu?
How did you get the channel links?


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Thanks for walking me through that. I got it up and running to the point of loading the web interface, inputing my streaming devices and encoders, and allowing USB debugging when those prompts popped up on the streaming devices. But when clicking the "Preview" button for the one channel I entered, it spins and spins, and neither streaming device ever tunes. Is there a way to troubleshoot? I've tried it with compatibility mode both off and on.


Yes. Go back into the folder with docker-compose.yml and enter the following command:
docker-compose logs -f

Then try and load the channel and see if the log output in the terminal window helps with troubleshooting.

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Unfortunately I don't know anything about Synology NAS devices. There is definitely a way to do it as per this screenshot I found online:


If you can add a folder with a mount path of /app/.config I think it might work?


OK Thanks I'll try this.


Its up and running. Thank you for your help. I hope I can get ADB Turner working. I'm not very pleased with the ChromeCapture way and the Forum for HDMI Output has gotten out of hand, This seems to be what I was looking for.


Hey Kenny, can you help a fellow SEC fan out? I'm also trying to setup on a NAS and I think I'm hitting the same problem as you. How did you solve for the path issue for the setup (see screenshot)?