ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I just updated, getting the same 404 error.

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Pushed an update just now with some changes specifically related to the ADBTuner -> Streaming Endpoint connection. If you don't mind, can you try again?

Whatever you did worked!

Still getting the 404 error here after NBC is started.
I'm new to Docker so I stop the container, run the 'docker pull turtletank99/adbtuner' command from Windows Terminal, then restart the container is that right? There's no version logging that I can see in the ADBTuner logs at startup but I can see in the docker files that stuff has been updated.

EDIT: Got it working, somehow the container was hung in an 'In Use (Dangling)' state. Deleted and re-added the container and got the latest version.

Docker is weird (I'm a retired Linux network dev/sysadmin for MegaCorp, we had VMs but containers came after my time).

Thanks for the quick fix!

Working well now.
Thanks for all the work.

Is there a way we can send you a few bucks for all the effort?


I'd been using androidhdmi-for-channels to help fill the gap left behind by NBCUNI and their DRM crap, but have been following this thread closely, and learning a lot :slight_smile:

Tonight I switched over to ADBTuner, and it's working great! I'm very impressed, it was easier than I thought it would be and the web admin page is so slick. I imported and edited the list of channels we plan to watch, thanks @cyoungers for the kickstart with your .json export. I also added Haystack News, which somehow is working perfectly and is opening to fullscreen right away, without a 20 second delay. Sweet!

I have two FMUser FBE200 encoders, one with an Onn 4K box connected and the other with a Chromecast with GoogleTV, both are signed into YouTube TV.

I appreciate the "preview" button to test each channel. And I especially love ADBTuner's dashboard:

I'd love to see more information displayed here, if possible, like what channel's stream is playing, i.e. what the device was last tuned into? That would help with troubleshooting multiple tuners, to be able to see which encoder/device is streaming what.

But I think what I like the most about ADBTuner is the tuning speed, it's very fast. And best of all, I'm no longer subjected to that g0dawful "outer space scraping" sound effect for every YTTV channel change. That was driving me crazy :crazy_face: ADBTuner is managing the channel changes well, without having to exit and launch the app every time, and altogether it feels more reliable and seamless.

I am however seeing frequent "Connection Lost: the connection to the tuner was lost" messages, especially when channel surfing quickly, but a click on the remote tries again and works, every time. What's strange is that sometimes I see the stream actually play for a split-second, before that error screen interrupts it. I think @cyberskier reported something similar. I'm also not sure if this is something ADBTuner can fix, or if it's something that would need addressing by the Channels app itself. But I'm happy to keep testing. I've set up some middle-of-the-night recordings to see how it all works unattended...

Aside from that though this is working quite seamlessly and feels more robust and stable than androidhdmi-for-channels.

Thanks @turtletank for this awesome project and thanks to everybody for contributing with excellent questions, answers and collaboration. This is excellent, inspiring stuff. I look forward to finding more channels and apps that'll work well with it.


I agree, I'm blown away by this project.

I’ll have to pay attention next time it happens — I think early in this thread I may have relayed the exact message, and my use of the ”tuner lost” phrase might have been my own shorthand for the same thing. I suspect we’re getting the same message. And yes, this project by @turtletank is quite amazing, and very much appreciated.

EDIT: I should add that one similarity between the setup of @Fofer and me is that we both have the fmuser FBE200 — he has two of them, and mine is my second tuner (although mine is a 720p version, and both of his are 1080p, I believe). I’m supposed to have another encoder (a URayCoder) arriving today. Once I get it set up, maybe that will shed light on if the “connection lost” message is related to the choice of encoders?

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Not necessary at all! But thank you.

I'm not sure ADBTuner even exists if I wasn't also incredibly annoyed by things like this lol.
Thank you for your feedback.

I think there is something to this. The logs you sent over earlier show that the connection between the FBE200 and ADBTuner has been occasionally dropping out shortly after the stream starts. I don't think that there is anything wrong with the FBE200, but perhaps it doesn't like something I'm doing or I can do something to handle that gracefully. I will continue looking into this. I'm interested in seeing if your issue is resolved when you use the URayCoder device.

Well if not necessary I'll throw in a few virtual bucks :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:
Great work on this. I wish I had knowledge of this stuff. You guys can make anything work.

Anybody have any luck getting Amazon prime channels to work?

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Does Prime have linear TV ?

Yes, pay channels. Like starz Cinemax etc.

I actually just looked. There is quite a bit of linear TV on there.

If you can script the app to open and launch the Channels then of course it will work... but I am sure that if there is no guide data in ChannelsDVR then you would have to record it manually.

In similar cases I've found that one of these entries, already built into CDVR, usually manually matches up:

I don't have any experience with Amazon Prime Channels though.

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This is a very limited data set, but so far, so good. I swapped the URayCoder and removed the FBE200. I played a show on the television which has an Onn box plugged into it (and which gets its feed via my first URayCoder hooked up to a Fire Cube). I then tried tuning five different times from the guide on my iPhone, which was pulling from the "new" URayCoder that came today (which is hooked up to a Fire Stick Max). No more "connection lost" messages. The only glitch was the first time of the five, when I tapped "Done" on my iPhone to exit the channel (this was the one using the second encoder), the television (using the first encoder) had the brief stutter. But the next four times it was flawless.

I'm about to hop on the treadmill, which has a 4K Apple TV. So I'll try some more there and see what is up.

UPDATE: Just finished watching on the Apple TV and iPhone at the same time. No lost connections. :+1:

Among numerous channel loads from the guide, and exit back to the guide, I did have two or three instances of stutter on one device when stopping a stream on another. I never had stutter loading. Just stopping.

Great! Thanks for the follow up.
I'm still going to figure out what's up with that FBE200 though!

I had temporarily backed out one of the changes I made to fix that specific small stutter when stopping a video. This was to address another issue that was causing ADB commands to be executed out of order (ex. "close application" happening after a new tuning operation started). I should have this fixed later in the week.


Cool, happy to test whatever you add or change, thanks so much @turtletank.

In the meantime I am brainstorming and experimenting with other ideas to bring in more streaming content. Since AppleTV doesn't have a TikTok app (yet?) but the Android TV app autoplays, so I thought about creating a "live channel" for it...

I know the package name is but how do I determine the URL, if it is even deep-linkable? I'm really just looking to to launch the app, since it will autoplay from there. Is that possible?

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Looks like it supports links with a tiktoktv:// protocol. No clue on how to link to specific content but just using tiktoktv:// as the URL will open the app and start playing some content.

Activity Resolver Table:
        26c015a filter 6022f8b
          Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
          Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
          Category: "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"
          Scheme: "tiktoktv"

When you have a chance, can you update your docker container and let me know if there is any improvement with the FBE200? I don't entirely think there will be, but it's possible some changes I made might help. Thanks.