ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I beleive it is just the way ADB over USB works...can't do both that and ethernet at same time. That's why I am wondering if anyone knows a good one to consider that has ethernet port and usb debug at same time in the $20 to $30 range.
and yes I understand wireless can be faster...still would like the option

Not $20-$30 because you need to buy an Ethernet adapter, but Chromecast with Google TV does both at the same time.

I use this adapter for Ethernet. I’m sure there are other compatible options as well.

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All 4 of my FireStick 4K Max units (Gen 1) are connected using Ethernet with ADB enabled.

These first gen units can be had in the mid $30 range, and you can often get another 20% off trading-in an older FireStick or whatever.

Here's me accessing one of my rack-mounted FireSticks, from overseas, using ws-scrcpy (which depends on ADB to function) :slight_smile: :

Starting from scratch. Thinking 2-3 tuners. On the shelf I have a Chromecast with Google TV, Onn 4k box, a Fire Max v2, and two Fire Max v1s. What would be the recommended devices to use? I'll be using Sling and Link Pi ENC1-V3 units if it matters.

Thanks @turtletank and @bnhf
I already have a FireTV 4K Max on TV will plug it into an ethernet adaptor and hook up to ADBTuner and see how it works. Been wanting to get a Chromecast with Google TV to play with...this might be a good reason. :grin:

Guess I'm missing something even though I've looked through 800 posts.. I'm using Sling with Fire Stick Max devices. What package do I use? Where does one find this information?

You should be able to find what you need in the firetv/sling scripts I used in the ah4c project:

"" worked.
(and, once I tuned the first show, I can now click "installed packages" in ADB and see the packages.)

Using a Link PI tuner, Sling, and Firestick Max.
ADB sees the devices and Channels will tune/load a program.
Looks like the app is constantly being restarted to the program.
I did see a couple posts that sound like this issue with a recommendation to add a port # into the streaming Endpoint in ADB, but when I do that ADB can no longer see the Link PI and I see no place in the Link PI to introduce a port number.
What am I missing?


Your streaming endpoint needs to be as described in this post, otherwise everything is per the standard setup for this extension:

If you put your endpoint URL in VLC can you reach it ... if not your endpoint is wrong... or your IP to the endpoint changed.

IP address of endpoint has not changed. If I enter (matching what is in the Link PI) , ADB indicates a connection. I can also connect with the browser to configure. If I change this address to as suggested, ADB can no longer see the endpoint. I am wondering if I need to configure a port in the Link Pi somewhere? (oh, and VLC hates me - even reading the docs, I've never been able to get any stream to play - even their example).

We need a reference point to anchor what we're doing here, and VLC is good place to start. So, can you stream from either URL using VLC? Config should look something like this:

It should be fairly straightforward.

Same thing here. Trying to follow LinkPi @spammedeeper setup. I set up or, Endpoint is accepted, channel is tuned in and started, but no video is coming in. If I hit either of those addresses with VLC I can see the video stream with at both. But if I try VLC with the m3u embedded address at the ADBTuner server ( channel changes ok but again no video. Any advice very much welcome.

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Could this be as simple as HLS vs TS? If you're using HLS in your "Custom Channels" setup, it looks like it needs to be enabled in the LinkPi.

Not that it's going to fix the specific issue you are currently troubleshooting here, but I just pushed a small update to both versions (latest and experimental) to automatically follow redirects when connecting to streaming endpoints.

Life has been too busy to even think about ADBTuner, but it seems LinkPi has taken over as the default encoder so I figured I could squeeze in a one line fix lol. This should let the URL displayed in the LinkPi user interface work directly without having to replace it with the actual target.


Doesn't seem to be a HLS/TS issue, tried both and still no video. I get this errors:

2024/01/22 11:27:02.743789 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9000: M3U: Tuner Unreachable: Timeout after 20s connecting to:

2024/01/22 13:47:13.181803 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9000: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: GET: 404 Not Found

2024/01/22 13:47:01.133607 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9000: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: (Timeout): Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers

So it seems like Channels is not finding anything at ADBTuner redirect address I'm going to start over with the new update and see if it makes any difference (thanks @turtletank)

This doesn't look right. 5592 is the port # for the ADBTuner proxy, not the LinkPi. According to @spammedeeper, the direct LinkPi port should be 8090. And of course the IP for the LinkPi should be its actual IP or hostname, not the IP or hostname of the ADBTuner proxy server.

That is correct it is not wrong this is what my M3U looks like ....


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="111682829099970017993847724086741201779" channel-number="851",HBOHDP

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="272995653304883221103877914529337988442" channel-number="853",HBO2PHD

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="156207044968725025997804086631792127666" channel-number="855",HBOSPHD

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="123121321007286587620121231793810434900" channel-number="876",SHOWHDP

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="140110306406999577732061602336437413113" channel-number="878",SHO2PHD