ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Compatibility mode is on, no change unfortunately.

Edit enabling compatibility seems to close/open app 5-6 times on channel change before i get video so not very useful . Takes to long to change channel that way .
With out enabling compatibility channel change is fast and all things working outside of adbtuner , only no video from adbtuner but atv is playing the stream. Anything you could solve maybe ?

Edit 2 here is a small video so you can see whats going on after i press enter to play channel iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud

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what is loading the channel? channels app?

it should restart once in compatibility mode to ensure the app is in a knows state, not multiple times.

Kodi ( iptv simple)

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I took a look and either this add-on or Kodi itself closes the connection and reconnects if the stream doesn't start after 15-20 seconds. This is causing the behavior you are seeing. I did some quick research but couldn't find an obvious fix. I wish I could help more, but there are probably some people more knowledgeable with Kodi on the Kodi forum you can ask about extending or removing this timeout.

Ok. I will take a look when I get a chance. In the meantime, you might want to look into locating and installing an apk for an older version of the Fubo app (and disable auto app updates if you haven't already).

I've always seen this delay with compatibility mode on when channels starts the connection. Using Fubo as my source, It checks for profile screen- usually 5 times - which takes around 15 - 18 seconds:
:: server - Tuner: Compatibility Mode - Stream released after 17.8 seconds. Display was on, application (com.fubo.firetv.screen) was running.

Without compatibility mode, it times out eventually - even the stream is actually running in vlc. It's not a big deal if you're recording, just a decent lag to start watching live.

So, it may not be an Apple issue..

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Just so i understand, without Compatibility mode channel change is fast , tuning works and hdmi encoder output video just fine. Why cant adbtuner ” grab the video” without Compatibility mode ? Would a setting to force this be possible without checking for video playback ?

ADBTuner is designed to wait until the video stream starts before starting the stream. This was intentional as I felt it was important to ensure that selecting a channel from the channel guide doesn't result in watching an Android TV app open and display a splash screen on the TV. Or even worse, showing a splash screen that includes an annoying sound.

This works best in "first-class" apps that use the native Android video player. Other apps have their own video players and there is no consistent way detect playback. In addition, some of these apps freeze and lockup if you try to open a channel via a URL when the app is already open.

ADBTuner's Compatibility Mode was added as a means to provide some basic support for these apps. Compatibility Mode restarts the app so it's at a known state, starts video playback, and then waits a fixed amount of time to return the stream (no video playback checks). This results in slower tuning, but it works, and makes more applications compatible with ADBTuner.

In your case, with Kodi's IPTV Simple plugin, this is WAY SLOWER than it should be because that plugin runs through a process of quickly restarting the stream 5 times if it doesn't load instantly before letting it naturally load. They probably have a good reason for doing this, but it's not a good fit for ADBTuner.
The source here confirms that it goes through a "fast reconnect" process exactly 5 times.

There is a configuration setting in this plugin that might help (connection check interval), but I couldn't make it work.

I don't know if any exist, but perhaps there might be another IPTV plugin for Kodi that doesn't have this forced retry stuff?

I'm sorry if ADBTuner's design decisions don't work for you.

If you want something that will give you more control over the process you should check out ah4c. Even if it's just for the channels provided by the Allente app.

Can I ask what you guys use for epg for yttv? I have my channels all setup with gracenote IDs and they match up perfectly when I manage lineup.

My issue is that no matter what I use for epg data it doesn't match what yttv has. I've tried my local cable company's epg as well as the satellite epg for my area.

Does yttv have something custom that doesn't match up or am I missing something?

The Gracenote system in channels can get a little tricky.
YTTV has some channels that provide a west coast and an east coast version.
The version provided depends on where the subscriber's location.

Yea I noticed the Gracenote system being a little tricky!

I'm pretty sure everything is set properly for my yttv profile. It does have my local channels properly listed, which reinforces my thinking that it is done properly.

This is day 4 of trying to get epg data properly populated for my yttv channels. I'm open to suggestions and maybe some insight as to what others have been using for their epg source for yttv in channels.

I found that it took me a while to get my YTTV stuf populated.
I had to do some trial and error to get it fixed.
so far so good.
Just be patient.
I believe someone left a file in the group here that has YtTV stuff for ADB Tuner users and for me k it was very useful.

Yes, this exactly - when I was integrating this via the Chrome Capture for Channels project awhile back, it took a some trial and error before I learned I had to account for a 3 hour time shift for channels that were only available via an east coast feed. Only then did the guide data line up. The tag for this is tvg-shift. Here's an example:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="MTV Classic STRM" tvg-shift="+3",MTV Classic Stream

For ADBTuner though you probably just need to choose the channel's guide data from the other coast, see if it lines up.

I ended up separating out the yttv m3u from the others I use and I wrote a bash script to add the timeshift in for me.

I should note that I pipe everything from channels into emby and it's working great now that I sorted the timeshift out.

For some reason my locals are all the right west coast time zone but no other channels are west coast for me on yttv.

Thank you guys for your input!

You shouldn't use tvg-shift for west coast feeds, the guide data supplier Gracenote has seperate "Pacific" entries for west coast feeds as most cable networks drop the 3 hour delay for live events. i.e. in addition to the obvious ones with live sports like USA,TNT, TBS and TruTV, right now Disney XD is showing the Pro Bowl live on East/West, and next week Nickelodeon will have the Super Bowl live coast to coast and Animal Planet and several of the WBD networks will have the Puppy Bowl live.

Hmm, I couldn't find a "Pacific" west coast feed for MTV Classic specifically, where would that be listed?

Search for "MTV Classic (Pacific)", or if you can manually enter it, Gracenote stationId: 59054, callSign: MTVCLAP

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I lost the Paramount family TVE feeds a few days ago, so I added them into ADBTuner. Now, they are back after updating to the newest version of Channels. I noticed that I can have the same channel number, etc. defined in two sources (ADBTuner and YTTV TVE) and go back an forth and disable them on one side + re-enable on the other side. Is this the best way to support this kind of situation where I may need to revert to ADBTuner during a TVE outage?


I have both setup. When TVE plays strange stuff during commercial breaks, i will flip over to ADBTuner and so on. IFC Channel and Sundance tv will play music during commercial breaks. I will usually try to disable TVE version of the channel and go over to ADB Tuner.
Glad all is working out for your setup.

Just saw The CW is adding live channels. Just a few and available other places so far. They have "Laff More" which I currently get from Plex but I have had problems with that stream at times so I thought I might try the CW app added to ADBTuner...Any insights what the url should be....i tried the web url that plays the channel but haven't got it to work in adbtuner yet.