@turtletank: I am really enjoying the status indicators you added to the latest version, thank you!
Awesome. thanks. I have a few I can play around with.
Just so I am clear, I have a Chromecast/GoogleTV(newest one) and it all set up. I have the ADBTUner set up on my Unraid. What else do I need? Links? I guess I thought this was all I needed but it doesn't seem to be that way.
Well, my encoder and chromecast 4k showed up today.
I'm stuck on the Channel "Component" Field.
How are you deriving this information?
For example Fubo?
If anyone here uses the Haystack News aggregator App on their android device, here is a .json file for setting that up. Of course since Haystack is an on-the-fly news video aggregator there is no station-id to supply, which also means no nice graphical logo to go in to your ChannelsDVR listings. Maybe eventually ADBTuner will be able to pass along custom fields to ChannelsDVR like tvg-logo="https://www.logo-designer.co/storage/2020/06/2020-Haystack-TV-Rebrands-Haystack-News-Logo-Design.jpg"
But it functions nicely. Remember that by default the app doesn't full screen the video till 20 seconds after opening. But this not a big annoyance.
I'm not sure the Fubo app supports deep linked content. I haven't seen anyone use them for any of these Channels integrations.
Looking at the apk.. the only activity (component) that accepts URLs is tv.fubo.mobile.presentation.onboarding.dispatch.controller.DispatchActivity
and it only accepts urls from the hostname link.fubo.tv
or with the protocol fubotv://
. The application is com.fubo.firetv.screen
(yes, it's firetv even on the chromecast).
I don't have an account with them so I can't look into it further. Maybe the info above might help you get you in the right direction to figure it out. Or confirm that it's not possible.
I have two devices that are rather old so went ahead and ordered the On Walmart box and have it set up.
If I need to perform any additional steps during setup, let me know.
I'm understanding that I need to put the developer options in place.
Looking forward to putting everything online.
I have fubo, hulu, and directv stream currently for testing.
Fubo (and NBC) is the only one I was able to get to work with Chrome Capture and it works perfectly.
I would prefer to use Hulu as it is a better value for me, but I have not been able to work out what the links are for the channels.
I had gleaned the application name for Fubo from the Apps Screen in Settings. I have no idea how you came up with the component name though. These things always leave me with more questions than answers. Thanks for the help!
Do you mind sharing your setup for ADBTuner in Unraid? I am interested in running the docker in my Unraid box rather than under Docker Destkop in Windows but I have only installed dockers from the Community Applications - I tried the method of having Unraid attempt to convert the docker into a CA type but I think there are some parameters missing like the volume, which I don't quite understand how to set up.
EDIT: nevermind - I got it working on Unraid - it was easy
Glad you figured it out.
I was wondering if The vidgo app would work with this nice configuration?
I'm thinking not because the player is embedded into the website.
Hulu and Youtube TV seem to be very solid options.
I pushed an update with some minor performance improvements. It might cut half a second off of channel loading lol. This only applies to apps that are not running in compatibility mode.
Overall I don’t anticipate there being anything else that can be done to speed things up further.
If speed is your primary concern you should buy the fastest android device you can, configure it to never sleep, and only tune channels from one app so that app can sit idle in the foreground.
I looked into building some sort of “keep alive” feature that would keep all of the tuners awake with the most frequently used app in the foreground. However, this process would have to lock each tuner as it runs and in itself would end up delaying tuning actions from time to time. Not worth it IMO.
Edit: With further testing this is working very well. At least with YTV when it's already open.
Device: Chromecast with Google TV (4k)
INFO:root:Tuner: Tuning completed in 2.55 seconds. Display was on, application (com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged) was running.
INFO:root:Tuner: Tuning completed in 2.22 seconds. Display was on, application (com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged) was running.
INFO:root:Tuner: Tuning completed in 2.38 seconds. Display was on, application (com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged) was running.
INFO:root:Tuner: Tuning completed in 2.2 seconds. Display was on, application (com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged) was running.
Would it be possible to have a button to clear all the channel definitions to allow for a fresh JSON import? Sometimes I want to make a global change to an exported JSON and when I try to import it does not make any changes because it detected no new channels. Therefore I have to manually delete all channels then import.
Instead of a delete all channels button (probably a more complicated for you), if there are any changes to a field in the imported channel, then delete that channel and use the imported channel definition.
Yes. I will do something for this.
I have this working with the NBC app except I can't get any of the west feeds to work.
Does anyone know the correct url's for those?
Does anyone know how to bypass the Paramount Profile page to stream Showtime East and West and local CBS feed.
Thank you.
I will try those tonight.
Can I ask how you found those?
What is the risk for the URL's to change often? I use YTTV. Also, how do you find them? They don't seem to match what I load up in a web browser.
It's in the developer tools.
In the browser, Control-Shit-I