ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Are you controlling the Onn device in any way via the remote? The only way I have ever gotten that "stuck" lock is when I was playing with the device locally as well as having adbtuner control it. How does it behave if you just control it through the UI of adbtuner where you test tune the channel? Does it allocate the tuner then release it properly when it is done?

FWIW you may want to pick up another ONN device or two so that you have some other tuners available once you sort all of this out.

Also go into developer mode and enable stay awake while charging and see if that helps.

Is the 'Linkpi' connected to the Android device via an HDMI cable?

The encoder connects to the Android device through HDMI.
You will use the web interface of the encoder to manage settings.

I'm not controlling the onn device via remote. If I just control it through the UI of abdtuner and preview a channel, it will typically play, although sometimes it takes forever to load. It will typically release as soon as I close the preview window.

And yes, I've already put the onn device in developer mode and have enabled stay awake while charging, plus there's a couple other settings involving no sleep or staying awake or whatever that I all have set to keep this device awake no matter what.


Yup...I've done that

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It could be the compatibility mode, I know it slows down the tuning. I am using YTTV and it works perfectly without compatibility mode and I tune in under 10 seconds. Not sure if you are interested in switching but YTTV looks amazing on ADBTuner due to the enhanced quality that YTTV provides. I switched from Hulu and the difference was beyond amazing.

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Well unfortunately I turned off compatibility mode for every channel and no differenceā€¦same result. Sometimes a channel might load right away and other times itā€™s the endless spinning wheel and eventual timeout errors or 404 error link not found errors. And whatā€™s even more frustrating about that is, Iā€™ve opened up my linkpi UI and can actually see the channel playing from the onn 4k pro device, but for whatever reason ā€œChannelsā€ wonā€™t play it.

I think anything other than Hulu and YTTV need to use compatibility mode. It could be something strange with Philo and their deep links. I'd have to toss it back to @turtletank for troubleshooting that part.

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Iā€™ve noticed this happening with NBC channels as well. Just the weirdest thing. The command is getting thru to cause the channel to play on the onn device, but that feed then wonā€™t come across on channels, until maybe after a couple retries, or maybe a ton of retries. Thereā€™s just like no consistent pattern to any of this.

I did get the new Nighthawk router that is wifi 6 but i was thinking of returning it because it seemed like perhaps this issue isnā€™t router related. But now i donā€™t know. I really donā€™t want to have to rebuild my network if I donā€™t have to since Iā€™ve got custom settings (i donā€™t think you can transfer backup files between the 2 different nighthawks), but seems like weā€™re running out of possible solution ideas.

And now I just went back to try again after waiting like 15 minutes and this time when I select a channel in ā€œchannelsā€ the command didnā€™t go thru because i see nothing loading on the onn device. Iā€™ll open the ADBTuner UI and the channel will be locked in so Iā€™ll click the little blue square to release the lock, then Iā€™ll try selecting the channel again in ā€œchannelsā€ and what do you know, this time it will load on the onn device and then maybe it will come through on ā€œchannelsā€ or maybe it wonā€™t. Again, just no clear cut consistency hereā€¦soooo frustratingā€¦LOL!

@Accustiver can you zip up all of the logs you have from Channels and ADBTuner and send them to me via PM? I looked at those you had posted, but I'm not finding any clues.

It's not completely unreasonable to see a 30 second tune time on an android device that has been sleeping and/or an app that needs to be restarted (compatibility mode) to load content. But, it shouldn't timeout the way it's doing and any related "tuners" should be released as soon as the connection is closed.

There are a few places in the logs where a channel loads and then Channels DVR gets immediately disconnected (server - http disconnect in the logs). This is unusual.

For troubleshooting purposes you can have ADBTuner provide the video stream immediately instead of waiting for video playback. Perhaps you can see if that changes anything? To do this, add the adb-debug query string to the URL.


Appreciate your input. Iā€™ll give this a shot later tonight after Iā€™m off from work. Iā€™ll do my best to zip up logs too. As you might imagine Iā€™ve got random stuff at random times so organization is a little messy but Iā€™ll hopefully be able to recreate some of these issues later tonight and then copy the logs that are occurring at those times and PM them to you. Also, with regards to that new link format you suggested, am I changing the channel links to that in the ADBTuner UI settings? Thank you!

Just chiming in that Sling works flawless without compatibility mode.

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I did some testing with sling and it seemed to work great here.
If i should ever find myself in the market for service without cbs i might consider it.

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Yes. You will need to change each of the links, or at least one just for testing.

What version of the channels DVR server are you running? I had a problem recently with the 8.18 pre-release because it had a network bug that caused connectivity issues, the devs figured it out for me pretty quickly.

I would upgrade to the latest pre-release and retry.

Can anyone help with Sling TV integration.

I am using the following inputs in the ADBTuner web interface:

Streaming Endpoint:
Package name:

Using these inputs I get:

Green: "Endpoint Connection Successful" & "Android 11"
Blue: "In-Use"

Unfortunately, the stream doesn't play in preview or in the Channels webinterface. Pretty sure it is the Sling URL I am using. Any suggestions?

Thank you.

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I have the latest release and still the same results.

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Ok, I will be sending you some logs of various experiences I went through this morning. I did end up installing a new router because at the end of the day this new one I got is only a couple years old vs the other one being from like 2013 so it was time regardless...Nighthawk RAX50 Wifi 6. Sadly though, I'm getting the same results. And I tried your new link format suggestion as well and again, same results...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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