ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Mac aficionados can chime-in here, but as I recall, to install Portainer you just need to open your Mac's Terminal and enter:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer \
    --restart=always \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v portainer_data:/data \

After that you should be able to find Portainer, via your browser, at http://yourmacipaddress:9000

Go to that fairly promptly after spinning-up the container, as there's a timeout on setting up your username and password (only on initial run).


It took the un/pw of my previous install. I think it's running like it should this time.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: OliveTin for Channels: An Interface for Misc Channels DVR Scripts & Tricks

Sorry, just realized we got off topic there...
(@chDVRuser if you could move the last few OliveTin related posts I'd appreciate it).

Back to the original question regarding updating. Now that you have Portainer installed, go ahead and create a Watchtower stack using the recommended Docker Compose. It'll run once and then exit.

Anything that has an update will be updated, and will show today's date. In the future, whenever it's convenient for you to check for updates, click the box next to the Watchtower container and then click start -- and it'll check again.

Did ever come to a resolution on this? Do you know what software version is on the Chromecast? I have two of them here and cannot duplicate this.

No I could not get it to work ... I gave up on my Google TV because the only use I have for them was to run the HDHomeRun app to watch cable DRM ... which they can no longer do. So it went on my future possibility junk drawer.

What's the manual commands to update ADBTuner on an Intel silicon Mac in Terminal?

Looks like you have portainer installed, just use that. A quick google search can be useful :slight_smile:

After that check out watchtower. It's another container that can easily update all running containers that have updates pending. It's made docker maintenance even easier.

I've given up trying to run watchtower and OliveTin and will probably dump Portainer too. Just looking for a CLI solution.

For what it's worth, I just use Docker Compose.
I have a ~/docker_containers directory and in there I have a subdirectory for each container.

So for example:
~/docker_containers/adbtuner/docker_compose.yml contains the following:

version: '2'
    image: turtletank99/adbtuner:experimental
    restart: always
    init: true
      - adbtuner_config:/app/.config
      - "5592:5592"

And from in that directory I just run docker-compose up -d to start the container. It will restart automatically if needed.

If I want to update an image I just do the following from that directory:
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm && docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

Obviously it's not as robust of a solution, but it works for me. :man_shrugging:

Thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for and it worked perfectly. CLI is easier and makes a lot more sense to me. Now running the 08/24 version.

I wanted to put a feeler out there again to see if anyone may know how to craft an automation in Home Assistant to remove the dimming when programming loads through the NBC app. There was a post by someone a ways back mentioning they created an automation, but they didn't post the entire script for how they did was simply the android remote commands. I reached out to this person a few weeks ago but still have not gotten a response. So I figured I'd try again with a communal post to see if there's anyone else out there that has done this or would know how to do it.

I was able to figure out how to create a script to manually send remote commands that will remove the dimness. Here is that yaml script:

alias: NBC App Dimming 2

  • action: remote.send_command
    metadata: {}
    num_repeats: 2
    command: DPAD_UP
    device_id: 6b9d709dcf8f35128d639081901f3818
  • action: remote.send_command
    metadata: {}
    num_repeats: 2
    delay_secs: 1
    command: DPAD_CENTER
    device_id: 6b9d709dcf8f35128d639081901f3818
    description: >-
    This script will remove the icons at the top of a channel that is playing
    through the NBC app and will also remove the dimness

I have a widget on my iPhone where I can easily open Home Assistant and hit a button that will run this script, but my goal here is to have the script run automatically once programming starts playing through the NBC app. I'm using ADBTuner. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I think ah4c may be more appropriate for that as you can use the home assistant api via curl to run the script after you tune into the channel

Sorry I have been crazy busy with work but here is the automation that I built. I only have Monday Night Raw and Friday Night SmackDown that I record so it was easier for me to build this out in Home Assistant and it was a quicker fix for me. Recording starts at 6:45pm and this gets trigger 5 mins and works like a charm. Don’t have to worry about it.

This is good stuff! Thank you so much! So yours is clearly triggered by a schedule. That seems pretty easy to set up. It seems like there may not be a way however to have this script automatically run anytime the NBC app opens, unless it's done through ah4c and curl with the Home Assistant API as @Jean0987654321 mentioned above.

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I was thinking about trying ah4c but I can't seem to find any scripts for the NBC app. Do you happen to know where to go to get those?

STREAMER_APP=scripts/onn/nbc in ah4c will transfer and use those scripts, as well as set the M3U to nbc.m3u.

Sounds good...thank you! I look forward to giving this a shot later tonight.

For sure. I only record so this isn't always an issue. I can see it would be an issue if you were to be channel flipping around. This was the easiest way without having to figure out the ah4c way. If they were to create a YouTube video tutorial on how ah4c is setup maybe I might go that route.