and then letting us know the result so we can all learn together
If you use Sling? make sure to get the corret link.
I think you have to use the URL under the play button on the page
Sling is tricky.
Sling STILL doesn't have deeplinks for the individual channels...
You can only get deeplinks to the currently playing show on each channel and it stops working after the show is over...
Has someone come up with a work around I am not aware of???
Only option I know of would be to "step through the channels one at a time using something like ah4c instead.
Sling does not require compatibility mode.
Edit: At least not with my Android 11 and 12 devices.
I use Sling without issue.
Here is USA from my ADBTuner:
8010 USA 11207
To get the channels:
Login to
Click on USA channel on the left and you get:
Take the channel reference in that link into
It's easy to get fooled when trying to get Sling deeplinks. You need to use the guide method described just above to get the correct value for a live channel, rather than individual values for content.
Thanks for this information.
I am just messing around with a few of the free sling channels for fun...I think I did this wrong in a different thread where I was working with @uspino because he said the links stopped working for him later. I am tagging him here so he can fix it if he hasn't already figured it out.
@ChannelSam I have only added the paid channels. I played with the free ones for a few minutes and it looked like the same setup, except I was stumped how to get guide data. If you figure that out, let me know.
I have added the following free channels from either or sling freestream...
Laff More
Grit Xtra
Anger Management
Cheddar News
Most if not all these free channels are available from multiple sources. I wanted a few of these and testing a few others just to see if I could make them work.
Over the last few years I have had channels from HDhomerun, Philo, Pluto, Spectrum, and possibly a few others I can't remember right now. I don't know if that effects the channels showing up when I add them and search for a channel or not...
After adding the above channels in my source...
- Re-Download the m3u.
- Select the channel list for that m3u
- Scroll down to the newly added channel and hit the + to add guide info
- Use pull down menu and select ALL Sources
- Type name of channel into search bar
- Select the most likely one (for me it is usually sdtv stream or satelite)
- Repull guide data for source and give it time to populate guide
- Add new channel to custom channel if desired
So far I have found guide data for every channel I have added.
Thank you @laughsbrightly for this and @ChannelSam for tagging me. In case this helps other AH4C users with ATV, I changed my previous settings on
XXX being the ID number provided by clicking on the logo in the Sling guide, and it works great, straight to live tv. Now let's cross our fingers and see if Sling doesn't change that ID number very often... Thanks!
how can you find out what url opens what in a specific app when using adbtuner?
You have to figure that out or hope someone has ... It all depends on your provider.
but i read somewhere in the past that if you run some command you can see what command leads to what action?
Research the post... everything you want is in there. When you post questions like this you are basically asking someone else to look it up for you. If you need more information then reply to a specific post (quoting the relavent information) asking for more help. Then we will know that you did your due diligence.
im looking for it but i cant find it, thats why i thought i would ask.
Search for the word "decompile" in this thread, as that might be what you're thinking of -- it's an advanced skill though.
When i press to play a channel that loads up on any app like say "sling" there is a little intro that shows the sling tv logo on my firestick before the channel plays, is there any way to disable this intro in order to get the channel to load faster? Thanks in advance!
They would have to add a Delay in ADBTUNER between when the Sling APP launches and Channels DVR starts recording the Stream.
its not so much so that it doesnt show up on a recording its more so that the channel loads more quickly