ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I don't know what the tech specs are for ANdroid 14 but based on what we have here, the Onn 12 boxes may not handle the update.
The price point makes it more of a throw away type device.
If it was an Nvdia shield, i could see it updating becuase of the price point.

I agree with you @rpaulmerrell. It would be pretty pricey to have several Nvidia Shield devices running as dedicated ADBTuners. I use mine exclusively as clients.

FWIW, Nvidia Shield TV Experience 9.0 updated the OS to Android TV 11. The most recent update 9.2 remains at 11. From what I see, the Shield does have a toggle to disable auto upgrades.

The reason I got My ONN units was to record DRM from my HDHomerun Prime units ... but Google broke the ability to view Cable DRM on Android devices. So right now they are pretty useless as they do not support Streaming from XFNITY.... so I am using 5 Firesticks to record from XFINITY Stream... which is great as any Channel I subscribe to I can record using ADBTUNER.

My google chromes are still working with HDHomerun prime. Maybe they were not updated? I'm not complaining.

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Can you play DRM Channels ? that is the only problem.

You are lucky this is a Silicondust Post ...

One of my Android Devices (a Google TV Chromecast Dongle) works fine on all the DRM channels. The other identical Google TV dongle does not. Also none of my Android devices or WIN10 HDHOMERUN work on DRM channels.

Perhaps the one Google Device I have that is working has an unexpired certificate?

Edit They fixed Win 10.

I just checked my windows hdhomerun also works with DRMs. I double checked on the chrome, and I was able to play HBO just fine. I'm hoping this doesn't break.

How do you add special characters in channel name in ADBTuner? I tried to escape & with a \ and I tried & but both added the amp; in after it in the title on the channels guide.

This is fixed in the experimental version.

Spun this up again and went to modify the docker files to suit my particular streaming app.

But can’t seem to access the files like I used to. Has something changed in the docker to lock this down from being modified?

Usually would change the key events for closing a channel to stop the video without killing the app. The app has a custom player so the stop video command doesn’t work.

Maybe you're thinking of ah4c? ADBTuner isn't open source, and not really designed to be customized in that way.

Yeah might have to give that a go.

Nah I used to edit the files inside docker desktop and change the adb key events. But can’t seem to access those files anymore.

I really liked the tuner management for adbtuner.

With ah4c is it easy to set up the stream to feed through ffmpeg to run a -ss command?

We should move this to the ah4c thread if you have other questions...

Yes, you can T the stream into ffmpeg -- but you're significantly increasing the resource requirements for the container, as ffmpeg is handling it from start to finish. Normally ah4c is just a proxy, with super low resource requirements.

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