Add TVE source Xfinity - "no login form found"

Attempted to add Xfinity as a source for TVE. First time. After login see the following

Try updating to prerelease and make sure latest Chrome is installed

Thanks for the suggestion. I updated to prerelease and verified Chrome is latest version. However no change. Still see that "no login form found" page.

i have the same issue

same thing here.

It works now. I added about 200 channels. There is a new prerelease. I downloaded it. Second, I rebooted.

i had downloaded the newest pre-release last night and it still didn't work.

I also disabled all of the privacy extensions on the browser and disconnected theVPN. However I don't think the VPN was the issue because the VPN was set to split tunnel for only 1 app - not ChannelsDVR. Plus the VPN is connected again and TVE is still working. Maybe it was disabling the privacy extensions - allowed authentication.

For those having the issue still.
What does the error screenshot http://x:8089/providers/tve/error_screenshot.png look like?

If it shows this or add mobile phone, submit DVR diagnostics so @tmm1 can fix it.

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@Bluboltz Please press-and-hold on the Check For Updates button in the Settings page of your DVR. We have fixed this in the latest DVR pre-release.

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now it says verifying log on and never goes forward

cable provider authenication failed

same here