Advanced pass - exclude multiple titles?

I tried to search, but search is disabled due to heavy load I guess.

I have a DVR pass to record all titles that contain Masterpiece on PBS.

I want to exclude 'Downton', and exclude 'Grantchester', so that those Masterpiece Theater episodes are not recorded, however, it will only allow me 1 or the other, not both. What are the limitations to the advanced pass? Currently I have 3 rules. Is adding the 4th rule the limitation, or is it a limitation of not excluding 2 items in the title? Any way around this?

You can only have one Exclude of the Title .... I too would like to see multiple.

You can EXCLUDE an Actor of the Show you do not want.

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I would just set passes for the Series ID you want
You could exclude something in the Title and additionally exclude a Series ID.

17043427 Beecham House on Masterpiece
12621615 Churchill's Secret On Masterpiece
8312617 Downton Abbey on Masterpiece
11114803 Grantchester on Masterpiece
16348192 Les Misérables on Masterpiece
13441997 My Mother and Other Strangers on Masterpiece
17397757 World on Fire on Masterpiece

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Being able to record shows based on a partial title, but excluding others is one of the big reasons why I moved to Channels. I suppose for now I can exclude a series ID, assuming that will work.

looks like I can add series ID does not equal, as well as title does not equal (with the whole title), and it works. That get's me up to 3 excludes. Not ideal, but I guess it will work for now.

There is a section of the Forum with some threads on Advanced Passes.
Not a complete tutorial, but some good info in there.


@chDVRuser - I'm curious where you got the SeriesID for these shows? Did you have them, or is there someplace I can look them up?

I did it the hard way.
I used the DVR web UI and did a search for Masterpiece.
If you hover your mouse pointer over each result, the Series ID is in the url.
Like Van der Valk on Masterpiece is 17748257

Those just happened to be in the guide when I searched.

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Thanks! That helps!

See Advanced Passes: Multiple CONTAINS/EXCLUDES (prerelease)