AMC Plus

Is it possible to add AMC Plus as a source? I got a good deal for a year of it and if I can get it to work, then I might be able to cancel my cable subscription and just use an antenna and this. Thanks!

AMC+ is a separate system unrelated to TV Everywhere. It is more similar Discovery+, Disney+, Peacock, etc.; such logins are not supported.

If desired, you can look into Channels' PlayOn Cloud support, which may allow you to record programs from AMC+; however such support is not available directly within Channels.

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Any app can have their programs connected via a Stream Link (so long as the app is set up correctly):

I was just considering signing up and saw that there are six live TV channels. Is there a way to add those six as a source?

I'll let the devs chime in if they can make it automatic or not, but my guess is not because they are probably an incompatible technology. However, you can do it yourself through either of these methods:
