Nice! It works.
Ok, its not about Channels Dvr, i understand.
I dont get my threat locked, my opinion is that is you.
But ok, i understand, thanks!!!
Any ideas why this request to twit is failing?
2023/02/28 23:52:08.062967 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch13: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: get 429 Too Many Requests
2023/02/28 23:52:08.166412 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch13-dANY-ip192.168.1.10: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: get 429 Too Many Requests
2023/02/28 23:52:08.166412 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch13-dANY-ip192.168.1.10
Just as a data point, I just tested and my TWiT livestream via the Kister Method is working fine. Hmm.
I don't have anything that I can think of that would generate any 429. And I don't relay any error that youtube sends. Do you happen to use a proxy server or VPN ?
It should if/when youtube allows 4k streaming to web browers. I think they only allow it to the youtube apps right now.
Still loving the Kister Method, one of my favorite use cases is setting up Channels as a jukebox of some favorite YouTube Live streams (lo-fi music, in this example.) I realize this is a niche case but maybe others are interested to learn from it. And if there's a reason this happens, perhaps it can be addressed. Anyway, when I first set these up as custom channels, everything works perfectly and the display even includes the proper emoji in the descriptions:
Then, I'll notice, some days later, that all emojis are lost and it's just some odd characters in its place.
I'm not sure what triggers it to display properly again, sometimes a reboot, but not always.
Anyway, not a big deal but certainly curious, as it does display nicely at first. And everything else about it works amazingly well, and quickly. Super slick, thanks again @jkister!
Also here is the URL for some of the 24/7 music livestreams included above, for use as the Custom Channel, if it inspires any.
Looks like this response header:
Content-Type: application/; charset=ISO-8859-1
It would be preferable if the contents were served up as UTF-8
Wow! Amazing. I’m so grateful. This exchange made my day. Thank you both. Rock stars!
Unfortunately I've noticed this problem has returned, there's unicode characters appearing again. And it's intermittent, sometimes the emoji appear properly, although I can't discern a pattern of when or why. No big deal, not worth spending time debugging. I still recognize these channels by their thumbnails. But just wanted to share in case others find similar issues with emojis in their shows' descriptions in the future.
20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Playlists for YouTube Live channels using the Kister Method
Just wanted to say Thanks again for creating and sharing this.
I've been using this and hlstube side by side for four months and when hlstube fails (couple times/month), your method always continues working on the same feed.

Do you have a Donation or Buy Me a Coffee link?
Thanks- the likes on this thread are good enough

Now I dare you to make it easier a create a gui on your site with selectable variables and settings!
Finally got a chance to play with this over the weekend. Very cool stuff!
Because I’m notoriously typo prone, I decided to create an iOS Shortcut that will transform a YouTube Live link into a Kister url and copies it to the Clipboard.
It’s working great for just a basic url without specifying channel or other parameters but I’m thinking of adding that capability. It also occurs to me that that this would probably be possible with a Google Sheet with some formulas (Replace/Substitute) & you could have drop-downs to choose some of the parameters.

I added a hack to make @ usernames work just like vid_id, except the script will automatically add
to the end.
Is there a way to string multiple together using @UserName like you can with video ID. I tried adding the & symbol between two. It didnt quiet work out. The example URL i was trying is . Or is linking to the @UserName can I only do 1 per source? Or to get multiples going do I need to make it a m3u file.
I figured I would try to get clarification before i spend a lot of time.

The example URL i was trying is
Should work if you Add a v= after that & sign and before the second username