Analyzing Program Details with Power Query

I've suddenly started getting signal impacted shows and I'd like to analyze the details of the recordings to see if I can determine a pattern (below is a screenshot of the info I'm referring to).

The information is presented in JSON, which Power Query is very good at reading.
I can copy and create a JSON file for each recording but that's a bit cumbersome.
A couple of questions:

  1. How do I connect Power Query to get this information?
  2. How can I do it remotely?
  3. From the image below, the warning states that the show was 100% impacted by signal issues. - How is this calculated/determined?
  4. From my USMC captain motto: ITABWODI - Is there a better way of doing it?


Any help at all?

Thanks, that is helpful, though those entries are in the log files and not those json files that the individual shows have.

the DVR is producing these json messages. somehow I think I should be able to access them.

You can view them in the recording file json.

and view the recorded file json

or view it in your browser at
or retrieve it using a curl command curl

  "SignalStats": {
    "SS": {
      "Initial": 97,
      "Last": 97,
      "Min": 97,
      "Max": 97,
      "Sum": 90016,
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "SNQ": {
      "Initial": 100,
      "Last": 100,
      "Min": 100,
      "Max": 100,
      "Sum": 92800,
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "SEQ": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 100,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 100,
      "Sum": 92700,
      "GoodCount": 927,
      "BadCount": 1
    "BPS": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 3836704,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 3990112,
      "Sum": 3486463008,
      "GoodCount": 927,
      "BadCount": 1
    "PPS": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 328,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 342,
      "Sum": 298515,
      "GoodCount": 927,
      "BadCount": 1
    "TSERR": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "NETERR": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "DVRBUF": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 0,
      "BadCount": 0
    "DVRDROP": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 0,
      "BadCount": 0
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 0,
      "BadCount": 0
    "Grade": {
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "NetworkGrade": {
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "SignalGrade": {
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
    "StreamGrade": {
      "GoodCount": 928,
      "BadCount": 0
  "BufferStats": {
    "BufferPct": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 0,
      "BadCount": 929
    "BufferDrop": {
      "Initial": 0,
      "Last": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Max": 0,
      "Sum": 0,
      "GoodCount": 929,
      "BadCount": 0

That's definitely getting closer. Isn't there a web api I can access as well?

Official, but more limited in what you get.

And this Support doc is linked to in there

Yup, that's what I was looking for, but unfortunately, as they state, it's very limited. The shows and jobs do not provide the Device ID for the recording.

A few lines above the Signal Stats in the recorded file json it displays the ChannelNumber and DeviceID, but not the tuner# within the DeviceID. That would have to be grepped from the DVR log.

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