AndroidHDMI for Channels (ah4c): A virtual channel tuner using HDMI Encoder(s) + streaming stick(s)

@bnhf ... I am not sure if you have Cable Card with a Prime but I was able to tailor my HDHR windows script to zoom. I do not see a way to ZOOM on XFINITY Stream.

Just Xfinity Stream -- and I don't see a zoom option either. For recorded movies, I suppose I could run them through Handbrake to trim the black bars. Doesn't help me much if I want to watch live, but I guess I could relegate those channels to recording only.

Yeah I even went into display Calibrate and tried to zoom there but for some reason I was unable to ... I could zoom down. I was hoping to set 1 Firestick zoomed just for those channels.

I had a similar idea, as I'm using a LinkPi Encoder for this project, and it has the ability to crop:

I have a one port unit on hand so I can test this out, and if it works, I'll dedicate HDMI-5 to the task with an M3U containing just those problem channels.

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I am going to try that also .....


New bnhf/ah4c:latest (aka bnhf/ah4c:2024.05.04) pushed with support for Xfinity Stream incorporated. Set STREAMER_APP=scripts/firetv/xfinity to use.

If you edit xfinity.m3u with the ah4c M3U Editor, and want to use Xfinity channel numbers, after saving your edits run:

sed -i -E 's/(channel-id="([^"]+)")/\1 channel-number="\2"/' xfinity.m3u

this will create a channel-number M3U tag containing the same value as channel-id.

It appears that in todays :latest image dtvstream.m3u has reverted. It's not the merged version?

Juggling one too many balls today -- sorry about that. Should be fixed now, so pull :latest again please.

pullled :latest looks good! thankyou

It turns out there were more regressions in directv, dtvstream and Amazon Prime LiveTV scripts in :2024.05.04 brought on by returning to my Home Lab setup for builds. Fixed now though I do believe, and pushed today as :latest and :2024.05.06.

Do You have a sample of the m3u ... you use for XFNITY ?..... Not sure which .IPADDRESS to use.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1002" channel-number="1002" tvc-guide-stationid="21634" tvg-group="" tvg-logo="",KTCA-DT
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/tpt2H-8037961156532819105

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1004" channel-number="1004" tvc-guide-stationid="21234" tvg-group="" tvg-logo="",WCCO-DT
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/WCCOD-5669032547815822105

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1005" channel-number="1005" tvc-guide-stationid="21236" tvg-group="" tvg-logo="",KSTP-DT
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/KSTPD-8713109229817176105

Actually, you leave that variable in place, and then the value you use for IPADDRESS in the ah4c docker compose gets subbed-in at runtime. That way the M3U doesn't have to be modified if you run multiple ah4c containers, or by different users for that matter.

EDIT: I imagine you figured out the two part ID after play/tuner, where they're separated by a dash. The only problem I haven't dealt with is for stations that contain a dash. Right now tuning doesn't work for the one I've seen like that, so I'll probably switch to a tilde (~) as the separator. But for now, it's a dash.

Getting 404 when trying to get the XFINITY.M3U ... no hurry.

You mean if you're doing it like this:

What values are you using for your env vars?

Looking like this ...
404 page not found

Do you see xfinity.m3u under W:\data\ah4c\m3u on your PC?

EDIT: Is the 404 you're seeing when you try to look at it via your browser?


What happens when you try in your browser:

or, when you try just:

This works ... BTW like the Status Page.

Can you access the M3U from the main ah4c page?

EDIT: So where are you seeing 404? When you're setting up the Custom Channels?