Any way to create a virtual HDHR tuner?

I haver a Channels DVR remote server that I use for most of my TV watching thousands of miles away. Locally, I also have a sat>ip server and a computer running 24/7. Is there a way I can create a virtual HDHR tuner with all the sat>ip server channels so it can be detected by Channels apps around the house as an extra source, while keeping the remote DVR sources?

The Custom Channels feature supports using SAT>IP sources:

Yes, that's what I want to do, but my Channels DVR server is remote, and my sat>ip server is local. What I wan to do is add it as a local source the same way a Channels app can log in to a remote server and at the same time find and add a local HDHR tuner...

Technically yes, but you'd have to traverse the internet 2 times to do it.

You'd have to do some networking and make the sat exposed to the internet so the remote dvr could map to it, then it would serve the sat that's local, remotely... which, ya know... kinda silly in my opinion... but what do I know. I would just set up another channels dvr locally.

I did some research on using a Hauppauge tuner with tvhproxy to emulate an HDHomerun. The stuff I stumbled on was tvheadend, tvhproxy, telly, xteve, JF/antennas. Google searching those will bring up quite a bit on hdhr emulation. I got the Hauppauge to work, but eventually just bought an HDHR. This is about all the info I have to give you, I abandoned the project for the simpler solution.

Don't listen to his insane ramblings, he can't even sign an app. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just expose your SAT to the internet... I'm sure that won't attract any attention...

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Use the default pw, it's easier to remember.

I found a better option, since I have UniFi at both sites, creating a site to site VPN does the trick. I can set the sat>ip in the remote site within the local subnet, and UniFi is smart enough to not make the stream travel back and forth when it detects I’m calling the stream from the same subnet.


I mean yeah that works too, I guess, but you left that part out of the original question so it's not really fair to us that you came up with that. If you could just expose it to the internet that'd make me, us, feel better I think.

This is a feature called "hairpinning", and many routers support this behavior.

check out xteve (its a virtual HDHomeRun for xml) then modify your channel line up and use dishs guide or something provided by channels. simplest route if ur sat>ip works that way.

use xteve, it will create a local playlist, u can then input the playlist into channels and use ur channel map from there or better yet just "edit your lineup" in channels server and assign channels to dish network or directv channels that u can search and assign.

I am trying to rewrite Telly in Swift but it take some time
You can port forward your sat>ip I did that test with @neild7744 and it worked stable between two countries

I doubt people have time to search on internet to find streams, it would be a hit and miss game. You can always restrict incoming traffic to specific IP address. It also depends how many tuners you have, if all are busy nobody from outside use them anyway

Isn't that a big security risk? Anyone could find your stream...

I doubt people have time to search on internet to find streams, it would be a hit and miss game. You can always restrict incoming traffic to specific IP address. It also depends how many tuners you have, if all are busy nobody from outside use them anyway