Are both these going to record? The schedule only shows one listed to record

Often during the year CBS Splits Face the Nation in two half hour shows, first one on the main channel, the second half on a subchannel (8.1 & 8.2) due to some other high priority show needing the main channel at 9am. I checked schedule and it only shows the first 30 minutes. Nothing for the second half, but the Guide shows both halves with a clock icon like they will both record. Screen shots below.

The guide data lists them both as the same episode (same tms ProgramID).
EpisodeNumber: 52
ProgramID: EP000015221628

Trust the schedule view, not the guide view or advanced pass matches view.
You can pick the 9:00-9:30 airing from the guide to manually record it.

Split Face the Nation is a long term issue. I have a reminder set to notify me every Sunday morning to check the schedule after its daily update between 9 and 10 AM. In Denver, the full episode is often rebroadcast early Monday morning. I just have to schedule it with at least 30 minutes prior and 60 minutes after to make sure the full episode is recorded. Then a couple of minutes editing and the 46 minutes is ready to view.

Yeah, but the two different channels make it even worse here in SD.

Blockquote You can pick the 9:00-9:30 airing from the guide to manually record it. > Blockquote

I tried manually recording it from the guide. The second one did Not record. On SageTV I have to do a manual "time" record for it to record the second half of FTN on its different channel (subchannel). I have not found the Manual Timed record yet. Can someone point me in the right direction for that? -Bill

OliveTin-for-Channels has a collection of GUI driven scripts and tricks for CDVR, including a "Manual Recording" Action:

I agree it's not easy and intuitive.

Find the second airing on the grid guide
Mark as Unqueued

Select Record

Verify in the schedule view

You can also do the same thing from the Pass Matches view

Scratch that idea. It only works until the next daily morning guide update where you're left with only the airing you manually changed from Queued to record.

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