Automatically watch DVR recording if you select the channel in guide

I just noticed that I had a show recording that was scheduled. I had also been watching the same channel before hand and noticed that since I wasn’t actually accessing the show from the recordings tab, it was using two different tuners on my HDHR Prime. The third tuner was recording another show to watch later. Meanwhile, someone watching in the other room couldn’t access live content because there was no tuners available. Is there a way to automatically redirect me to the recording so that I don’t use two tuners for one channel?

This is already setup, but only kicks in if you select the channel from On Now or Guide tabs and it’s red when you click on it. The app will ask you if you want to watch live or watch the recording.

What about if you are already watching the channel? When the recording starts

Nothing happens if you’re already watching the channel. I understand that your feature request is to detect this scenario and show some sort of message so that you’re not using two tuners for the same program.

Good to know that you can select the recording already in progress though!

We are testing a new tuner sharing feature, which will ensure that if you’re recording a channel and also watching at the same time, only a single tuner is used. You can beta test this feature via Beta testing next Apple TV release

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