Autoskip commercials

Is there a way or setting that we can turn on to automatically skip recognized comercials? Without having to double tap the remote?

I voted for this feature, however, I will say there are times that the commercial markers are not accurate. This was true on a couple PBS shows for me. Since the commercial skip software is borrowed, not sure if anything can be done to improve the accuracy.

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we had storm warnings here several times lately. the entire top of the screen is filled with scrolls and radar. no real skipping to be had.

School closings across the bottom do it too.

ya know, I haven’t bothered to see if I could delete that and have that episode re-record when its clean.

double tap!!! sorcery!

Autoskip would be a nice option in settings. I’ve noticed games on espn have trouble with commercial detection bc of the banner at the bottom as well, I haven’t gotten into tweaking comskip but it would be nice if the default could some how pick up on that based on the channel since only sports and news channels have a scrolling banner at the bottom.

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Auto Skip - As opposed to Auto Remove - would be a great feature! If the content is still there, but skipped, a user could always manually rewind to get to it. It would be nice to not have to reach for the remote every time commercial break begins. This could be an option in settings (or even at the series pass level?) so that users could pick and choose when they would want to enable the feature. This definitely gets my vote!! @tmm1 - Just curious if you have any thoughts on this?

I don’t think that this will ever happen. The legal ramifications are just too scary. See this post ReplayTV had commercial skipping and basically got sued out of existence.

I’ve used 2 other PVR programs that had autoskip and I really do miss it. However, one was free software and the other was SageTV which was also a commercial product, like Channels, but the auto skip was a user contributed plugin.

If you watch your shows in kodi, and have the edl files in the recording directory then autoskip works. Search the forum for “Edl file location” and read that thread.

There is a setting in the comskip.ini called tickertape, I think, that will cause comskip to ignore the lower portion of the screen. I’ve never tried it so I don’t know how well it works.

Plex has a much larger user base than Channels and they cut commercials out completely, I doubt autoskip would ever be an issue and if anything Plex would get hit first before any legal action taken against Channels.