Backup configuration only

How is the best way to backup a "configuration", ie all setting but no recordings.

I'd like a way to save all source information (eg HDHR priority, favorites, mapping info), passes, "channel collections", and similar information that has a low change frequency. The goal is to be able to set up a "temporary" channels server (ie a desktop machine) should my normal server (ie a NAS) be unavailable for repair, etc.

Just trying to be ready for the unexpected (while keeping other household members happy).


Press the backup button and copy the Database folder which lives next to TV and Movies

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That's far too easy. There must be a more complicated way.

And thanks for replying in less than 1 minute.


Check out my comprehensive experience of returning from a catastrophic failure and some recommendations for making the backup process even easier than manually copying and pasting:

Is there a creative way to back up one channel mapping from a .m3u list / tier. Just a single list

I am testing some things and do not want to remap the channels to match with the epg guide info from channels. What files or folders I wish there was an export source including guide info and channel maps

I am running Channels DVR on a Synology NAS. I also have another NAS backing up the Synology. The backup NAS has rsync jobs configured to periodically back yp certain shared folders or other data on the primary NAS.

I would like to be able to (programmatically) periodically back up my Channels DVR configuration files to the backup NAS. I don't really want to copy the recordings, just the configuration data that I would need to restore if the Channels DVR installation on the primary NS were to become corrupted.

I'm aware of the "Backup" button, but is there a way to script generating the Backup folder?

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8089/backups

Thanks, will try it!

Also, I see that the backup is already being done periodically (There is a message that says that the DB was last backed up "6 hours ago" currently in my case. Is that interval configurable somewhere? Is it possible to disable the default automatic backups? I would want to make sure that I'm not trying to backup that folder at the same time the automated Channels backup task is trying to write to that folder.