All guide data for this channel seems to be incorrect. This is channel 6784 LXHOME.
LX Home has two feeds, LXHOME (114278) for OTA stations which has an overnight infomercial block and some additional shows like Lockup, Bloodline Detectives, Dateline and American Greed, and LXHSTR (126864) the streaming feed that's on many FAST platforms that pretty much shows nothing but Open House and George to the Rescue.
6784 needs to use the listings for LXHSTR (126864)
Ok then, it appears that channel 6784 in Spectrum-TVE is misidentified. The guide data has all of the shows you mention, but when I try to record Dateline or Bloodline Detectives, it's Open Home every time... It should be identified as LXHSTR. Thanks!
Should be fixed if you update to the latest pre-release.
Confirmed, all fixed now, thanks!
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