BBC, IFC, Sundance TVE Stream not available?

The last day or so I can not connect to these 3 channels and get the log error:

2023/10/10 10:33:29.810638 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6085: TVE: Stream Not Available
2023/10/10 10:33:29.856153 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6085-dANY-ip--1: TVE: Stream Not Available
2023/10/10 10:33:29.856324 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6085-dANY-ip--1

I read in an older thread that I should download the newest release and rescan the channels, which I have done (2023.10.10.0059). But they still do not connect. Any ideas on what I am missing?

Seeing the same thing here
2023/10/10 10:56:58.290802 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6085: TVE: Stream Not Available
2023/10/10 10:58:24.753165 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6087: TVE: Stream Not Available
2023/10/10 10:58:59.426287 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6088: TVE: Stream Not Available

All three channels are working on their live websites.
6085 Sundance Stream East
6087 BBC America HD
6088 IFC Stream East

I'm seeing the same thing here on my end.

I am not able to watch on Watch Live TV Stream | WE tv

Also not able to login on Watch Live TV Stream | BBC America or Watch Live TV Stream | IFC

Sundance does work on their website Watch Live TV Stream | SundanceTV

I'm able to watch all three using MS EDGE.

Some TVE channels are working again, including these AMC Networks channels.

Hi there,
Looks like they pushed an update to the Pre-Release version.
Much better.

The weird thing is that I am still able to connect to the AMC channel, it never went offline.

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Correct. AMC and WE never went offline.
The other AMC Networks channels did.
6085 Sundance Stream East
6087 BBC America HD
6088 IFC Stream East

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Is anyone still have issues with Sundance in Channels DVR? I can watch it through the Philo app, but it doesn't work in Channels DVR. I did a rescan, but it still won't work.

Sundance (ch6085) is working for me.
What does the DVR log say when you try to play it live?

Make sure you're using the latest pre-release DVR server version.

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