BETA: API & Feeds

Adding another datapoint for this issue of runtime error (nil pointer) when selecting JSON of all videos.


Selecting JSON output of a specific video group returns the correct JSON and no runtime error.



Please try this latest build and report back, thanks!

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Still fails with same runtime error on v2023.02.27.1402.

This is available in the latest pre-release

Are you getting results in the API response? What does the output Response say in the API Explorer?

OK, try this build. I think it will resolve it.

In looking at your diagnostics, you have 2 videos that have no GroupID, therefor, they can't fetch the group they are a part of. I'm not sure how this happened, but it's clearly some kind of bug. Nothing should have a nil GroupID

I'll DM you which videos are the problematic ones.

So, in looking at the problematic videos, it appears that they were missing GroupIDs because they were manual recordings. So we'll look into this more, but at least the problem with the API is resolved. Thanks for reporting it!

Thank You and my scripts thank you :smile:
My curl/jq scripts for Library and Job items are now functional with the new API.


Thanks for having a test case to pitch it against!


As in curl based manual recordings?
I always set .Airing.SeriesID to something like manual/some_id


The issue with runtime error selecting video JSON (no groupID) in the API is working in vers. 2023.02.27.1948


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When using all movie titles contain the release year in parenthesis at the end. Example:

"title": "12 Dates of Christmas (2011)",

The release year is provided separately:

"release_year": 2011,

Could you please remove the release year from the movie title? :pray:

This is how the titles are stored in the library.


Thank you for your reply.
I will format the titles properly in my script.

This all looks most excellent, and I'm happy to see it exists.

Having said that - I came looking for an API because I was hoping to update metadata via script; things like changing the Titles and tags and so on. Any ETA for the next step, write access?

We're slowly rolling API support out, starting with read only. We'll make progress towards being able to write to the library eventually. There are plans, there are no timelines.

In the mean time you could use the unofficial API, which can be seen in the Chrome web inspector when using the web UI to make metadata edits.


A post was split to a new topic: Issues with Jobs from Server API