BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

@maddox Found one issue. If you do a single row the text of the movie is covered by the picture. If you do a double row then the text is displayed properly. Not a huge deal but if the pic is white then the text looks odd...

The ability to duplicate existing rows was added as of the latest pre-release.

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This is going to be awesome for a podcasts section

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Documentation does not exist yet.

You can now create Flow based Personal Sections that show your content using the familiar view style of flowing down the view with scrolling with the option of showing the filter bar, like you would see in the All Movies section.


If that is a screenshot of your personal setup I have to say you have excellent taste!

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Nice addition!

Now I wonder how much work it would be to add the ability to move sections around like we can do with rows within a section?

In other words, I just created a section for 80s movies and would like that one to be below some of the other ones I have created.

Just like Channel Collections, they appear in the order you add them via the Server Side Section.

I figured. I guess that was more of a feature request. lol

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@maddox would you consider allowing "Up Next" for TV and "Continue Watching" for movies to be displayed in the personal sections?

Use case:
My wife and I typically go to Up Next when we watch TV about 90% of the time. When we aren't feeling what is available there we use Personal Sections to find something else. Up Next is only available on the home view. It would be nice to be able to have everything in one place. I'm not asking for Up Next to be moved, just available as a row that could be added to the personal section view.


@slampman Up Next is planned, but it's a bit tricky in terms of how it works and how we can drive the data in the row dynamically for you to control it, so it's going to take more re-engineering than what's currently delivered already.

You can create a Continue Watching row yourself using the Smart Rules and some specific properties of your row:

Content Type: movies
Query: watched=false
Sort: Date Watched
Order: Forward
Row Style: Single
Limit: 3
Progress: Show

It won't respect the time boxed setting that the native Continue Watching row does in Home, but it should get you pretty close.


I created a personal section for videos where the where:

Recently Updated is set to content type = video groups
Recently Added Videos is set to content type = videos
Recently Watched Videos is set to content type = videos

The content selected for each group is what I would expect.

Then I change:
Recently Added Videos to content type = movies
just to see what would happen. It shows movies. Ok.

Next I set content type back to videos and the selected content selected now shows all videos not the Recently Added Videos as if the act of changing content type marks all videos as watched or updated.

No smart rules were setup in any section.

Did you confirm that your sort settings were correct? Many properties of the row reset when you change the content type, as different content types support different properties and settings. This is what the alert mentions when you change the content type.

When I go through what you describe...setting it from videos to movies resets the sort to Alphabetically.

as if the act of changing content type marks all videos as watched or updated

This is certainly not happening. No content is updated in this process in any way.

Maybe screenshots would help.

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Just to be clear, if you don't use any Smart Rules to limit the results, it will always use ALL of the content in your library for that content type, it does not truncate at all (unless you're using a single line row and use the limit property). It will just fill your row and give you a More button to view the rest (just like the app has always worked).

Sorts just sort, they don't limit or apply anything special. I assume you are using Date Added for your "Recently Added Videos" to get...recently added videos.

The other thing that might be missed here is that maybe you started with the Videos template and assumed the title had something to do with the results in the row. That's not the case, it's just a title. It's the sort property that makes it "Recently Added".

So maybe you're just misunderstanding how the feature works. If that's the case, then I think what I wrote at the top of this post will probably clear it up.

May have found a bug.

Per your instructions above I created a new row called "Continue watching" for my movies. I put in all the queries that you suggested.

The bug is that if I move that row to the top of the overall list of rows in a section I created the content of that row and the one below it disappears. If I move the row back down one step, the content of both rows comes back.

The content only disappears for the top two rows in that scenario, all the rows below these two stay visible.

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Yes, it's just a view bug in the web admin for presentation and it's known. Just continue editing trusting that it will work. Save it, refresh the page, and it will show that it did what you wanted.

Ok, thanks!

Yup. This was my misunderstanding. I changed the sort option to match what the row title was defined as and it looks good.
I guess I did not notice that the sort option changed to alphabetically when I changed to Movies and then stayed alphabetically when I changed back to Videos. My bad.

Probably another case of me not understanding, but here goes.

I'm trying to get videos from a specific video group to not show up in a defined personal section. I go into the video group and select Visibility: Hidden for the group. Then I go into the personal section and setup a smart rule as visibility!=hidden.The videos from the hidden group still show up in the personal section.

So I try another approach and define a label in the video group called donotshow. Then I go into the personal section and setup a smart rule as labels!=donotshow for the group. The videos from the video group with the label donotshow still shows up in personal section.