BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

If you created the Library Collection in another tab while the Personal Section editor was open, then yes, you would have needed to reload the page for it to know about it.

Can we get templates for "News" and "Sports" sections too? At least as a jumping off point for our own personalized customizations, to replace the built-in ones? I tried to make my own to match the originals but couldn't quite get there.

Just tested creating a Library Collection then immediately going to the Personal Section in the exact same tab, and it's not showing up without a manual reload. Not a big deal if you know, but it did take me a few minutes to try that.

OK thanks, I'll check it out.

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No, as these would require a Channel Collection, which wouldn't be in your library.

To duplicate the News section, the rows would consist of:

  1. On Now: Channel Collection with Genre: News
  2. On Later: This kind of row is not possible at the moment and it's unclear if it will be in the future.
  3. Recently Added: Episodes row with Genre: News, Sort: Date Released
  4. News Programs: TV Shows row with Genre: News, Sort: Date Updated

I assume it's the On Later part that had you stumped.

Yes that’s correct and your answer suits my needs just fine. Thank you!

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I've created this Personal Section as a replacement for the built-in News section, adding button shortcuts for some of our favorite news and weather apps in the 3rd row:

I wanted to add Reuters TV and NewsNation too, but I couldn't figure out their URL Schemes (deep links?) I realize it's possible they don't have one...

I also noticed I'm unable to turn off Channel's built-in News section now, in favor of my new Personal one. Where's that toggle gone?

That’s very odd. I’m not sure why it would be missing.

Push logs and I’ll see if I can see anything. Though I’m not sure it will show me much.

I’ll take a look elsewhere too.

I created a row that shows live items from a personal channel collection but it doesn't show up on any device and on the web it shows as "List of Guide airings"

Hmm. The good news is I got the original "News" section to reappear. First I removed the Global Client setting that enabled it, added it back and then re-enabled it. I also disabled all three of the Personal Sections I'd created from appearing, just to go back to the sidebar's original state. Then I deleted the Channels app (latest TestFlight) and reinstalled it. Upon launch, I now see the original "News" section in the General > Manage Navigation settings.

Unfortunately the bad news is, now when I try to re-enable any one of my three Personal Sections via the same Global Client Settings, the Channels client I'm looking at immediately crashes. I can't add any of them back like I had them before. The client app crashes immediately with every attempt. It's 100% reproducible. Subsequent launch attempts crash immediately too. I have to disable the Personal Section(s) first, and then and only then can I prevent the Channels app from crashing, on launch or otherwise.

I submitted logs just now, hopefully that will help?

If the channel collection's rules do not find any channels that fit, then it won't have any items. Rows without items will not show. Add this channel collection to your guide to check to see if it's pulling any channels. Or, check this channel collection in the web guide. I'm guessing it's because no channels were found based on the Automatic Channel rules.

The Personal Channels editor does not show channel collection rows at the moment.

The toggle is not there because you do not have the News Section enabled.

I do now; that's no longer the issue, described here.

Now unfortunately a new issue I'm experiencing is worse; I can't enable any of my Personal Section without it crashing the app. I've now confirmed the same behavior on a second AppleTV, also running tvOS 17.6. It doesn't matter which Personal Section I try to add. Any one of them results in an immediate crash. I submitted logs from that device, too.

I'm not seeing any submitted crash logs from your profile, and your submitted diagnostics are showing 0 custom sections applied :thinking:

Edit: I think I found the crash log.

Wait, so how did a user up above have the "on now" tab showing live channels running as a row? What's the purpose of these sections if they're null?

What content should be here if not the channels that are a part of this guide collection?

They're only "null" on the CDVR web UI. They display properly on tvOS. For me, at least.

Forgive me if I wasn't clear. The issue is that they don't show up on TVOS.

Because the chosen Channel Collection has channels.

If there are no channels in your Channels Collection, it won't show anything. When there are channels, it will show.

Channel Collections are dynamic if you use the Automatic Channels rules. if you set a rule for "Drama" to pull in every channel currently airing something that matches the "Drama" genre, and there are no channels that fullfill that, you will have no channels in your Channel Collection, and the row will not show. Rows with zero items, do not show.

Read up on Channel Collections to learn more about how they work:

Yes, my channels collections are all solid. My issue is that nothing shows on TVOS. It's blank.