BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

How do "Flow" type Sections work? I can not seem to get it to load on the client device when i select Content Type/Groups/ Video Group. Select a Video Group.
It just shows "Loading..." and spinning circle on the client.
Same if i select the TV Group Option, and select a TV show.

The Web GUI shows all the videos listed though. So it looks like a client side issue??

I like the Flow option, as it displays all videos in the whole screen,(not just 2 rows and a "more" button that then loads a full screen) and can set thumbnail style for art, so i can look very much like how Infuse has such a view.

It does load fine if i use the default thing it comes up with, Movies. Or any of the sections above the "Groups" section under the dropdown "Content Type"

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Sounds like a bug. I’ll check it out.

The new content types are now available on the Flow section types.

Working good now.

Is there any plans to add progress status bars/Watched green bar on the bottom each video icon for videos in Flow type?
Like there are on the normal views?
Minor thing, but just something i notice that does not show in this Flow type

Just wanted to second that I'm seeing this too.

This is already in place, but the options were not available for the new group based content types that were just added. This wasn't available in Flow or normal section rows. It's been added in the latest pre-release:

As mentioned, this should be working with movies, episodes, and videos already. Let me know if for some reason you're not seeing this.

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That was fast! Looks good.

Keep up the great work!

I love this Personal Sections level of customization. :heart_eyes:

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Clicking the "Learn More" on "Personal Sections" results in a 404.

It seems that the video will not open when you use Library Collection via Content Row. Nothing happen when I click on the movie poster.

Ahh, good catch. I'll get that in there.

No rush. Thanks!

This is resolved in the latest TestFlight beta:

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Personal Sections now support Channel Collections in rows, allowing you to display current guide items.


Sweet! I've just upgraded the "Music" Channel Collection that was in our guide, into a fuller-fledged Personal Section in the sidebar, that includes:

  • shortcuts at the top, to launch our favorite music apps (Spotify, SiriusXM, Pandora, etc.)
  • An "On Now" section that shows thumbnails for all music-related content playing for TV right now, including some Virtual Channels we'd created of:
  • Collections of concerts and music videos we've archived over the years
  • Links to some favorite ambient 24/7 audio streams

This is an excellent new feature, thanks so much @maddox!


Now ya can!


This is awesome!

Rows utilizing a Channel Collection containing movie in their title, will now present guide items with a poster aspect, just like On Now does.

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Fixed in latest TestFlight beta.

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As of the latest TestFlight beta, there is now a hard limit of how many navigation items you can apply to the sidebar.

After 15 items, no other items will show.