BETA: Deep Links on iOS and tvOS


No, because there’s no official way to execute a link remotely on tvOS. They don’t do anything Siri Shortcuts can’t do though. Just use those.

Makes sense, thanks…

One last question, is it possible to use a deep link to open Channels to a particular video group name? In my case, I have a video group named YouTube…

Yes, the /open/show link is interchangeable with TV Shows and Video Groups.

But I'll specifically add it to be clear.

As of the latest TestFlight beta, more content types were added for deep links. The documentation was updated in the original post.

For the additional video types (Episode, Video, Movie), while these were added for clarity, they're really interchangeable. Everything is a recording.


I can’t seem to get this one right. I’ve tried several combinations. Any thoughts?


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Whoops, the last build that went out didn't have the changes. It's going out now.

OK, the latest release has the actual changes.


Now it’s working great! Thank you so very much. :grinning:

Is there a way to open a specific live TV channel on tvOS via a deep link, maybe through On Now? My goal is to start playing a specific live TV channel (via TVE), and I'm currently doing it on my AndroidTV box using a YouTubeTV deep link (like youtubetv://watch/7zPKP5_GZOo). Unfortunately, the tvOS YouTubeTV app doesn't appear to support deeplinking (even though the iOS app does :shrug:), so I'm wondering if I can do it through Channels. It looks like the examples above are focused on local content and not playing live content.


Ahh jeez, I left that one off the list in the original post. Of course you can deep link into a channel with Channels :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I've added it to the list of them.


This is awesome! I’ve got a family member who can’t use the AppleTV remote and I wanted a way to set up one-touch shortcuts on an iPad to tune certain channels.

I found an app called Deeplink over on the Shortcuts Reddit, it’s pretty easy to set up a shortcut using these deep links.

With HDMI-CEC, it even turns on the TV if it’s off.

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This works great! Exactly what I'm looking for. It did give me a popup asking if I wanted to open the app the first time I used the deep link, but I haven't gotten it since even if I force-quit Channels. Do you know what circumstances cause that confirmation dialog to appear?

In case it helps someone, here's the Home Assistant service call that I'm using:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: url
  media_content_id: channels-beta://play/channel/6030
  entity_id: media_player.appletv_fr

This is so much better than the hacky solution that I was using on my Shield!


Very cool, thanks for sharing! :grinning:

Don't need an extra app for that


Or even the using the built in Shortcut


Thanks! Didn’t realize Channels had its own shortcuts.


Documentation was added here: Channels Support - Deep Links

Deep Links shipped with version 5.9.1.

Thanks for helping with this.

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