BETA: Experimental Imported Movie Matching

In the latest update we are now processing Recordings as soon as they are completed and will be adding Trailers to them if they are available. This is the sort of small improvements we're able to achieve with this new system we new have in place.

For recordings that you already have, they will get updated over night, but if there's a recording you particularly want to see the trailer for now, you can manually refresh the metadata for it.


Is there any way you can set the default resolution? I tried to watch a few on my Apple TV but they're all 720p and look absolutely terrible upscaled to 4K. I'd rather add my own if that's the best it can do.

They do look terrible, but it’s the best quality we can get for them for now. Some work can be done to improve it, but it’s something that will happen in the future.

Oh okay, no problem. I'm a patient man—some days more than others. :joy:

Thanks for the update. :beers:

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The time that the daily refresh runs is now randomized per DVR to run at a unique time in the day for each DVR. Previously it would happen at midnight local time.

Is this going to automatically download Trailers?
I'm hoping not and that it just uses a url link.

Good question because I really do not care for Movie trailers. Is there a way to disable if it downloads trailers.

Nothing is downloaded

Thanks everyone on your testing of this. It was very helpful to get early testers to confirm the cloud components were able to withstand the usage and to tune things as we roll this out to a wider audience.

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If you update to the latest TestFlight beta and latest DVR pre-release you should see improved quality.

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@eric i looked at the tail end of my schedule (i enabled movie matching about a week ago) and I have a few recordings scheduled that are in my library already.

I submitted logs if that helps. The movie in question is "the longest day". There are a few more as well.


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I also have an imported movie scheduled to be recorded again. I imported the movie on Sunday (or maybe Monday, the latest).

Logs have been submitted as 43eb9f2d-1856-4bd1-ad3b-489c5c02bd09.

@slampman @mjitkop Thanks you both for the reports. It looks like there was something going on with the cloud component that didn't collect all of the IDs that it should have to be able to get that to match.

Your DVRs will synchronize the missing data over the next 24 hours.

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Updated and rechecked the top two rows of movies. Eight of the trailers played at 1080p, one played at 1440p, and one at 4K. I hope they all default to 4K eventually, but it's already a big improvement. Thanks! :beers:


@eric I don't see this option on my server. I was going to manually do this but can't find a way.

It moved to the Library Database section.

What I've noticed so far with Android clients (Shield and mobile) is watching a trailer causes the movie to be placed in continue watching. Some trailers are being acted on by com skip, Ghost Busters Afterlife for one. I have several movies in the library that when listed in the guide only ask if I want to record, this seems to be both recorded and play on recordings. However they work as expected in the web UI guide and show recorded or imported.
Be more than happy to do any testing requested.

For imported movies that have trailers on disk (like MovieName-trailer.ext), will those be presented? And what priority is given to them vs cloud trailers?

It seems it didn't work for me because the movie still got recorded last night.

I also see other imported movies in my DVR schedule.

Here's the first one tomorrow (2/24/2024):

In my library:

Also this one coming up on Sunday (2/25/2024):

Logs have been submitted as b2b89e5c-d111-4585-b260-620fa17b7570.

Let me know if you need more data.

What worked for me was manually doing the refresh movies comand and then pausing each advanced pass and then re-enabling it. The matches went from a high number to a lower number as the imports were excluded