BETA: Playlists

Yes, it's all the same code.

Great, thanks again :grinning:

As of the latest TeatFlight beta, Playlist now have a better presentation while browsing. They’ll show a sample of the content within them.

Additionally, Images are no longer supported for Playlists like they are for Collections.


Playlists now have their own unique Auto Play setting. Like TV Shows' Auto Play setting, when set to Default, the system setting will be used.

Any chance we might see Siri shortcut support to play a playlist on other device?

That was added last week. It was announced further up this thread.

I was hoping for the option to play the playlist on other device rather than just show it.

Yeah, I guess the only playing option is to shuffle it. I’ll investigate.

Will com-skip work across playlist entries? Example, using daily news, when the last couple of minutes of a program is ads, and another item exists in the playlist will the last couple minutes of the previous program be skipped and the next item played? Currently stand alone programs play until the end, even if they end in minutes of ads.

Playlist tems play back in the exact same way that they play back when played from your library.

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Channels does not auto skip the last commercial block due to commercial indexing not being 100%. We do this purposely and thoughtfully to avoid a terrible experience.

As of the latest TestFlight beta, the Playlist Siri Shortcut actions have the option to automatically play with these new options: Play First and Play Next. Shuffle was already an existing option.

  • Play First - Always plays starting with the first item in the playlist
  • Play Next - Plays the playlist starting with the first unwatched item in the playlist

This is more than I could’ve hoped for. Thank you so much for all your hard work! :grinning:


Ok,I did think of one more thing that would add the icing on the cake. It would be very helpful if we could play a playlist on another device directly from channels on iOS/iPadOS. Similar to how we can already send specific videos to other Channles clients. I would use this feature constantly…

Thanks for your consideration. :grinning:

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Thanks for the feedback, but that’s not something we’ll be adding.

Can someone explain how/why they use playlists for TV or Movies? I've used them for music since the origins of MP3s. But can't think of a reason to use them for shows or movies. I'm lucky if I get two hours in an evening to sit in front of the boob tube.. but I can listen to music while I am doing almost anything (except watching the tv) Is it so you can watch episodes in the correct order? I have watched shows in the wrong order since testing CDVR, sometimes it puts ep 4 to the left of ep 1. I have only seen that once recently. -Bill

Considering that Library Collections only support Movies or TV Shows, Playlists are sort of the collection type for individual episodes or recordings.

Some cases:

  1. All of the holiday episodes of Friends
  2. All of the Treehouse of Horror episodes of The Simpsons
  3. A playlist to keep track of movies you want to watch next
  4. Using a Smart Rule, listing every favorited episode in your library.

I'd love to hear how others might be using it too.

They don't necessarily have to be for consuming in a single session. They can be a long running list that you track for weeks. For example, whenever there's a movie you def want to watch, add it to your Watch Next playlist, for later. Features like Playlists are open ended and available to be used any creative way someone wants, so they can be very personal.


I’m thinking of using it to put movie series together like Star Wars or Lonesome Dove etc. Haven’t started yet but that’s how I am going to start.

So what is the difference between the Playlist feature and the Movie/TV collections?

Playlists documentation has been added and published:

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