Bug in channel collections?

Im trying to create a manual channel collection so that I can add all of my mlbtv channels. I run 2 docker containers of mlbtv and I tell channels to ignore the channel numbers and assign them automatically. One container gets the channels in the 10000 range and the other gets them in the 20000 range. When i try to create a collection and manually add the channels, i can select the channels in the 10000's but the ones in the 20000's arent available to select. If i filter in on that specific source the dropdown box shows no channels available. Now for my sports automatic collection for live tv it works fine. Why cant i use that you ask? Becuase channels live collections only show events AFTER they have started. So if i want to tune to the game 5 minutes before or i think the game starts at 7 and it is actually 7:15 it wont show in the guide. I wish there could be a 15min window that the live event will show in the live guide before it starts. Ive missed a coulple of games thinking that the team wasnt playing that day... So my work around was going to be create a channel collection so i dont have to rely on the live one... I can try to modify the m3u and get lower channel numbers but this feels like a bug.
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Do they have unique channel-id in the m3u

@tmm1 There is a var defined that sets the first channel to 777 in the docker container but I have channels ignore that and assign its own channel numbers.

Not numbers, but a specific channel-id tag in the #EXTINF of each stream.

The documentation for Channels' support of M3U playlists specifically says it requires a unique channel-id tag for each specified stream. While it may work with playlists that do not have such a tag, such behavior is unsupported.

  • channel-id: REQUIRED unique ID for the channel

When choosing channels for collections, channels are factored down by their channel-id, to prevent duplication. It sounds like you’re running into this.

Your case is a very edge-case.

@maddox But it works in the automatic channel collection. I have both sets of channels when the events are live

I think that is because automatic collections use the guide data, rather than the channel itself.

@maddox any chance we could get automatic channel collections for sports to show upcoming guide entries like 15min prior to airing? They show what comes after just fine...

No, the guide just doesn’t work like that.

:wave: Hello from 2 years later! I think this bug is fixed.

When listing channels in the dropdown for Channel Collections, we de-dupe them based on channel-id. We do this because it's how the guide works anyways, and it's confusing when showing multiple channels without any indication of what source they are from.

This was fine, until we added the Source filters later on. When we did this, we were still de-duping channels before applying them to each source. This meant channels were just missing.

As of the latest server pre-release, we don't de-dupe until after the channels are applied to their respective source. This means they are still de-duped under All, Favorites, and HD Channels, per the reason listed above, but now you can filter on the Source and all of its respective channels will always display.

So if you need a specific channel from a specific source, grab it this way. I believe this resolves the original issue in this thread.