Bug Report: Transcoded playback stops early

Sometimes, when watching a transcoded recording via web-ui, the show will stop playing before the end of the recording. I need to close the video and go back to the recordings list and select “continue watching” in order to see the ending.

Does this happen during the middle randomly, or when you’re close to the end?

Is the recording still in progress, or is this when watching some that has already finished recording?


I think it depends on how long the recording is. Longer recordings end earlier. This screenshot show a 30-min news program that srops playing woth 17 seconds left. I would have to reopen it if I wanted to see the ending.

What what browser are you using when this happens?

Safari, on an iPhone

Okay thanks. I’m pretty sure I know what’s causing this, and I bet it only happens with the Hardware transcoder.

It took me awhile to get that shot up since this forum isnt the easiest to use with a iphone, but that is where playback stops for 30 min broadcast

I have experienced this as well. I have to stop and start the recording for it to finish. Using an iPhone with Safari. Nas is using hardware transcoding.

This bug is still prevalent when using hardware transcoder.

Any fix in the works for this bug?

It’s fixed in ffmpeg 3.3, which should be released shortly and then I will upgrade us to it.


A fix for this bug is available in the pre-release v2017.04.13.0150 build.