Can channels see/play converted files?

I apologize if this has already been asked, a quick search didn’t bring up anything.

The new season of Supergirl is starting up soon, but I’m still catching up. I want to record the new season for when I’m ready to watch it in a month or so, but the raw files are take up a decent amount of space. Is there a format I can transcode them to that Channels DVR will still recognize and serve to the Apple TV, or am I better off transcoding them, deleting the originals, and then using an app like Plex to stream them to the Apple TV?

Also, do I have to delete the recordings using the DVR backend/app, or does the DVR watch the folders for changes and update automatically?

Check out the Hacks category for transcoding…or step by step: MCEBuddy - Channels DVR files

The database is only updated by operations within the app. You should do all deletes within the app.

Thank you very much!