Can we change where the logs are written?

I want to write the logs to a dropbox location so I can view them when traveling if something goes wrong. -Bill

No, you can't change where the logs are written.

You can access the logs directly from your Channels DVR Server web admin under the Support section.

Ok. How long are they kept? And where would they be written on MacOS? Hopefully they are text and I can write a job to back them up and copy to a DB folder. -Bill

You can also display the full logs (they are in a text formatted file) Channels Support - Subscription FAQ
I just don't know where the file is located on a Mac.
On my Synology NAS's I can tell by looking at the log

[SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2024.01.11.0232 (linux-x86_64 pid:13521) in /var/packages/ChannelsDVR/target/channels-dvr/data

Means the log file is located in /var/packages/ChannelsDVR/target/channels-dvr/data

I have two ideas for you:

  1. Schedule a log copy to your synced dropbox folder. Could use Automator if Mac, Task Scheduler if Windows, Cron if Linux.

  2. Create a hard symlink. I only mention this as an option, but the Channles devs certainly would not support such a change and things might just break at some point.

^^^ This!