Cannot figure out this error

This keeps popping up on clients and I cant figure it out. Anyone have any suggestions? Im running Channels on a Synology NAS DS920+.

no space left on device

device being the client connected to your TV


Please go to Settings -> Support -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from your device and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Just submitted. (Also deleted some stuff from Apple TV based on above comment)

Yeah... your Apple TV was really out of disk space, and for whatever reason none of the usual things that clean up disk space kicked in automatically like they should for the OS.

We tried to manage by only using 128mb of disk space, but that even ended up being more than was available.

I'll see what I can do to at least make that error message easier to understand.

Thank you Eric, especially on a Saturday!

The latest Testflight beta will have a better error message in this case. Thanks for reporting it.

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