Can't delete recordings; disk full

is this still how we handle a full disk? i'm getting close to being full on mine, trying to decide if i want to allocate more space to it or just start deleting/moving stuff... i only have about 20 gb free.

I would like to see something like this ....

If you have %90 full delete oldest recordings that are watched ... Be able to set certain Recordings Passes to never delete. If it reaches %90 Percent and nothing can be deleted because criteria is not met continue recordings past %90 but continue to alert users that they have reached recording threshold.

The %90 percent is just a suggestion and can be user set.

We haven't made any improvements to this part of the product, but it's on our list of things to improve.

I have my deletions set for one day. They still have been on my hard drive for a week. I have tried restarting DVR and unattaching and reattaching drive. That hasn’t worked. Any ideas?

The Deletion attempts are logged in the DVR web ui log. Any errors there?

I know this is an old thread but I agree with you. It would be nice to have the oldest recordings (watched or not) be deleted to make room for newer recordings. A "keep always" switch for any given recording would be nice too. I am brand new to Channels (trying to get the wife to buy into cutting the cord) and I love it so far.

If these features are already implemented, let me know. I did a bit of searching, admittedly not alot, and didn't find anything on it.
