Can't schedule recording from Pluto channels from web or apps

When I try to record from PLuto channels, Channels will not record. The logs show the following error:

2023/09/18 17:11:58.011995 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag

Happens on pre-release and stable.

I did another restart and now it works again. Not sure what really happened with that.

Nope, not resolved: Getting these error again when trying to schedule Pluto TV recordings!

2023/09/18 21:27:35.068271 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag
2023/09/18 21:27:40.386978 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag
2023/09/18 21:27:46.265871 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag
2023/09/18 21:28:13.645805 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag
2023/09/18 21:28:19.898900 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag

Also getting this from the web admin page when trying to schedule a Pluto TV recording:

A Javascript error has occurred!

Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on Channels Community or to

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Time')











Logs have been submitted as dfd9367f-1d8a-4758-ae5d-0ed9806ea3fe .

Yah, it's posting the source as ""

    "Name": "The Addams Family",
    "Time": 1695087900,
    "Duration": 1800,
    "Channels": ["9170"],
    "Airing": {
        "Source": "",
        "Channel": "9170",
        "OriginalDate": "1966-03-11",
        "Time": 1695087900,
        "Duration": 1800,
        "Title": "The Addams Family",
        "EpisodeTitle": "Cat Addams",
        "Summary": "Dr. Marvin P. Gunderson is summoned to examine Kitty Kat, the ailing lion pet of the Addams Family. Morticia decides that it is the doctor who needs help. To build his confidence, human members of the family pretend to be ill so he can effect cures.",
        "Image": "",
        "Categories": ["Series"],
        "Genres": ["Classics", "Classic Comedies", "Comedy"],
        "SeriesID": "pluto/5d7ffa69f3cdcd162e7fd500",
        "ProgramID": "pluto/5d7ffa69f3cdcd162e7fd500/S2E26",
        "SeasonNumber": 2,
        "EpisodeNumber": 26,
        "ReleaseYear": 1966,
        "SearchScore": 0.011290458159090976

error "invalid job"

2023/09/18 18:45:27.286917 Key: 'Job.Airing.Source' Error:Field validation for 'Source' failed on the 'required' tag

Last time I restarted the whole computer and for whatever reason it allowed recordings to be set. But then it stopped again. So, I'm not sure what that is all about.

Listing the airings also shows source as null

    "Channels": ["9170"],
    "Source": "",
    "Channel": "9170",
    "OriginalDate": "1966-03-11",
    "Time": 1695087900,
    "Duration": 1800,
    "Title": "The Addams Family",
    "EpisodeTitle": "Cat Addams",
    "Summary": "Dr. Marvin P. Gunderson is summoned to examine Kitty Kat, the ailing lion pet of the Addams Family. Morticia decides that it is the doctor who needs help. To build his confidence, human members of the family pretend to be ill so he can effect cures.",
    "Image": "\u0026fit=fill\u0026fm=jpg\u0026h=900\u0026q=75\u0026w=900",
    "Categories": ["Series"],
    "Genres": ["Classics", "Classic Comedies", "Comedy"],
    "SeriesID": "pluto/5d7ffa69f3cdcd162e7fd500",
    "ProgramID": "pluto/5d7ffa69f3cdcd162e7fd500/S2E26",
    "SeasonNumber": 2,
    "EpisodeNumber": 26,
    "ReleaseYear": 1966,
    "SearchScore": 0.6388994543218786,
    "Score": 0

Guessing this caused it

That's what I am thinking. But it would be a total guess on my part.

I'm also seeing the same JavaScript error when trying to schedule a Pluto recording after updating to the latest v2023.09.18.2332 pre-release.

As @chDVRuser pointed out above, v2023.09.18.1403 is likely the culprit.

Logs have been submitted as ceffa79b-f1bc-4efb-a1cb-0f27965f1010.

Undoing that change in next prerelease.


Worked on the FrndlyTV channel Cowboy Way that uses XMLTV
Shows Source: ""

Works now using 2023.09.19.0308, but only after doing a Redownload XMLTV for the source.
Now shows Source: "xmltv:"

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