I have a series of ripped DVDs for Pride and Prejudice (1980). I'm trying to update the artwork for them, and when I click "Update Art", the dialog briefly appears, then disappears. This is true for all 5 of the videos for that title.
The javascript console says
[Log] event – {Type: "hello", Version: "2023.01.06.1553"} (bundle.js, line 13103)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable) (posters, line 0)
[Log] GET – "/dvr/files/3099/posters" – "Service Unavailable" (bundle.js, line 13102)
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not a function (near '...r.map...') — PosterPickerModal.jsx:211
Is there any other info I can provide? Thanks!