Change client autoskip behavior per channel, per show or temporary while viewing recording

Problem with adding those kinds of things to a pass is that passes can record more than one show or movie depending on how they're setup.

Title CONTAINS something
Channel CONTAINS major networks
Time CONTAINS 8pm, 9pm, 10pm

I suppose but the ones I have setup only record one show. Still would be nice to have the ability to get to these settings more easily, especially when I don’t currently have a show recorded and can’t access “show options.”

Passes and shows are completely separate data items. The setting is for a show. Passes create recordings.

I understand the frustration, but this isn’t something that is going to change.

Okay thanks. I just come from TiVo where everything was more user friendly. Channels is great but TiVo had some of those little niceties. :slight_smile: So there is no way to set this globally for a show then? Is it something that will need to be changed for every recording?

TiVo was different than a modern media center. TiVo was 100% about recordings and didn’t care about a library of content like modern software like Channels.

That made sense because storage was limited and no one archived anything. 20 years later we have the ability to build up large libraries of local content, and that’s how Channels is designed.

With the means we have today, we’re able to record and import so much content, presenting them as a library instead of a running list of a few recordings is important (even if we still do provide that facility)

DVR in Channels is less about 10 or so recordings available at a time, and is more of a means to build out that library. So comparing the two aren’t exactly apples to apples.

It’s a setting per show. You set it in the Show’s options, along with the other options it has. It’s not per recording. Once you set it for the show, it’s respected for all of its recordings.

Okay great. Is there a way to get to a show’s options when there is no copy of that show currently recorded?

Only way I can think of would be to import an episode of the show and match it using Gracenote data.
Of course you can't import something you don't have, but that's the only way I know of to do it.

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Okay thanks. I’ll just wait until they get recorded and make the change then. :slight_smile:

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No, it has to exist to set its options.

You can do it directly in the client though and web admin.

Got it. Thanks for all your help and for adding this option. You have a great product here.