Channels are showing up in incorrect channel collections

The latest Android beta appears to have something wrong with channel collections. I am not seeing this on iOS devices. The 2.1,2.2… channels shouldn’t be in my 24/7 Movies collection, but they are showing up and I am on the latest Android beta version.

What are the collection settings?

This might be the same bug I'm experiencing:


I guess am confused what collection settings you are referring to? I just looked at the collection and shows just my movies and look at the client settings for this client, and I show a specific set of collections available to this machine. I do have these collections available to a couple of iPad also, and not seeing these extra channels there.

Yeah, this kind of sounds like the problem I am having. Looking a little closer, all my channels are now part of every collection. They are no longer separated out. I just installed the latest Android beta on a different Shield TV.

Whatever Android update that was deployed has resolved the problem. The collections are showing up correctly without all the other channels. Thank you for the quick resolution.

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