Channels collections - missing channels

I can see my channels in the source list but when i try adding them to channels collection they aren't there. Is this normal?

Try moving the source for the missing channels to the top position in priority. If they then appear it’s likely you have multiple sources using some of the same numbers.

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OK, so I'm not sure if this was related to this issue, but it might be, so I'm posting this here, because I think this might be fixed now.

When listing channels in the dropdown for Channel Collections, we de-dupe them based on channel-id. We do this because it's how the guide works anyways, and it's confusing when showing multiple channels without any indication of what source they are from.

This was fine, until we added the Source filters later on. When we did this, we were still de-duping channels before applying them to each source. This meant channels were just missing.

As of the latest server pre-release, we don't de-dupe until after the channels are applied to their respective source. This means they are still de-duped under All, Favorites, and HD Channels, per the reason listed above, but now you can filter on the Source and all of its respective channels will always display.

So if you need a specific channel from a specific source, grab it this way. I believe this resolves the original issue in this thread.

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