Channels DVR and PdaNet

I'm using PdaNet on my cell phone for internet at the cabin. I connect the phone to a windows laptop and share that connection with the ethernet port which is connected to a router. Works great for everthing I use except Channels dvr. From what I have read it creates a LAN proxy which some apps don't like. My question is can that be fixed with any settings or am I out of luck? Thanks for any help.

I have PdaNet but it does not work for me. I'm using PairVPN which does work on Android devices (Android to Android). I don't know about Windows. It takes several steps to get going.

  1. Turn on Mobile Hot Spot on server.
  2. Start PairVPN on server
  3. Connect the client to the servers WiFi network.
  4. Start PairVPN on client.
  5. It should connect. and be transparent from then on.

Initially, there was a one time paring setup between the server and the client, but I don't remember how that is done.

Mobile Hot Spot is not used when the system is up and running, but it is necessary for the startup sequence.

Thank you, I tried PairVPN and i get faster speeds than just the phones hotspot. But I have the same results trying to remote into channels dvr. It can't find my server. I can find the server when i just connect to hotspot on phone but I'm lacking on speed (throttling). Are you using your setup for remote viewing?

By the way, other apps work with Pairvpn just not channels dvr

Have you tried using the new Tailscale VPN integration?

Thank you for the suggestion. That works fine but my biggest problem is speed from my phone. I get better speeds when using pdanet , but then the Shield can't find my channels dvr server.

I was hoping there would be a way that the powers that be could do something on their end to allow lan proxies. Maybe I'm wrong with my research on why its not working using either of those apps.

Don’t know much about pdanet but I think what you need to try is enabling Tailscale on the server and enabling Tailscale on the app on the shield. Then connect with your pdanet thing and the might be able to find each other.

Yes, PairVPN is my solution for remote viewing. I need it because my cell carrier slows down my Mobile Hot Spot speed and limits my monthly hot spot data. PairVPN gets by this.

This all assumes you can access Channels remotely from your cell phone. If you can not do that, your problem is elsewhere, and no tethering solution will make things better.

I do use a cell phone for my internet at the cabin. They throttle the hotspot after so many gb of data. I will try PairVPN tomorrow. Thank you

Yes I have tried Tailscale. It buffers alot for me. Thanks though.

Are you able to use the Channels app on your cell phone to remotely play videos from your home server? Without this step working, you are SOL.

Yes, I'm able to remotely watch on my phone. I tried PairVPN and get great speeds compared to what I was getting without it. Works without having to deal with the proxy problems that PdaNet has. Thanks for the suggestion.