Channels DVR default recording location

I know you can move recorded shows to a different folder, but will there ever be an option to have the default storage location be in a different location than where the database, etc. resides?

I sometimes setup a pass to record a lot of shows (for example, multiple episodes of home remodeling shows that are streaming back-to-back), and it doesn't take long to fill up an SSD. What's annoying is I have plenty of storage on my HD's (multiple terabytes!).

Ideally the database should be able to be located on a fast SSD, and the content on a different drive. For example, my Plex database, metadata, etc. is all on an SSD, but all the media is on different drives. Not sure why Channels can't implement something similar?

The DB in the recording drive is only for restoral the main DB is in the system Drive.. The backups are on the recording Drive so that you can take that drive and restore in case the System Drive fails.... or you choose to move recordings else where.

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Trying to get the same question answered here as well.
If I put my main Channels install on the internal NVMe, from what I have seen, I can't have it where it records all episodes to the external hard drive and does encoding and transcoding on the main SSD.

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I use a symlink from the recording streaming folder to a SSD.

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I hear you! I have the same problem and it's due to the fact that, when I installed Channels originally, that's all I had in my system. Since then, I've recorded so much stuff that I wanted to keep that I had to add a bigger hard drive.

In theory, you should be able to create symlinks on your SSD with the same names as the directories where Channels saves recorded movies and TV shows now, and point the symlinks to actual directories on your big HHD. You will also have have to move all your current recordings to the actual locations on your HDD.
I haven't done it myself yet. That's why I'm saying "in theory".

If this is something you want to try, do it at your own risk.
Make sure you have backups of your recordings.

I'm thinking of trying this soon. So you may want to wait until I can confirm that it works.

I was just about to click on the button to post my message and noticed that @Edwin_Perez just posted a message that confirms that symlinks should work. :smiley:

Remember moving the Database Backups will potentially cause more problems then it is worth ... these backups are only used when written and when old ones are deleted ... so moving them to an SSD other then the recording drive makes no sense.... The one that is constantly used is the Streaming.

Scanario ..

I record to drive w I decide to move the Database backups to a D drive SSD ... The System fails ... so I am f'd up as my USB recording Drive does not have a backup of the DB with the recordings.... and my pc will not boot to access the Backups on my D drive.

So I move the USB drive to another PC but I have no backups to restore.... all because I wanted to save a little space.

I think putting the DB backups with the recording drive was a brilliant move by the developers. They are useless without the recording Drive.

Yeah, I imagine there's workarounds - I'll need to see if I can figure it out in my Docker container.

Guess it would just be nice if it worked out-of-the-box without having to come up with a hack. Not sure why it hasn't been implemented - media just gets larger and larger!

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Symlink works great the only one that has to be moved is Streaming.

In my case, I don't want to change anything related to the database backups.

All I want to do is make it so that recordings are saved to a bigger drive.

Right now, my recording drive is D:\DVR. It's a 1 TB HDD.

My idea is to create 2 symlinks for now:
D:\DVR\Movies <---> F:\DVR\Movies
D:\DVR\TV <---> F:\DVR\TV

The F: drive has 20 TB.

My understanding is that Channels will still think it's writing to the D: drive but Windows will actually write to the F: drive.

With regard to other things with the DVR (backups, etc.) that will still refer to the D: drive.

Do I have this correct or an I missing anything?

Is that right? How does it work?

That Should work... but off the top of my head.. I see no benefit ... because your F:\ will not have the Datbase backups.

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Right but the backups will refer to the D:\ drive, which shouldn't make a difference as long as the symlinks have the right names.

That's one area that is not clear in my head.
I'm thinking this should work because the symlinks are handled by the O.S. and Channels will not know anything about the F:\ drive.

Is there anything that I'm not understanding?
I don't have enough experience with symlinks and the way Channels handles backups, etc. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The issue (at least mine) isn't related to worrying about failure, but more about drive space. That's the primary benefit.

your understanding is correct.... but it is best to have the backups with the actual recording folder ...

@LazarusLong Easy way to add Storage.
When I add a drive to my system ... I make the main DVR recording drive as secondary storage and add the new drive as primary... Channels is smart to figure this out.... no need to change drive letters or copy recordings.

Got it. I will think twice before I do anything. :laughing:

Thank you for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, I thought I got it until I read:

Now I'm really confused!

I thought the main problem in the first place was that you could not make any changes to the primary drive setting in Channels.

So how can you add the new drive as primary? :astonished:

I don't think I'm going to do anything that will mess up my system. I will continue to move recordings to secondary storage manually. :laughing:

You can make Changes ... You simply do what I suggested.

DVR local storage question - General - Channels Community


Thank you for the extra information. I will carefully read the linked posts before I make any changes.

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