Channels DVR on docker

I am running it in Windows. The reason I'm using it in a windows docker is it seems to work well with YTTV. I'm open to trying something else that will not have login problems with YTTV. Thanks for the responses.

I tried your docker run command and it created a folder "ChannelsDVRMain" but it is empty. So not sure what to do to get it to install.

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Try without this --net=host and see what happens see if it populates the folder. I have never used my Main DVR on Windows Docker ... I have TVE Pluto etc.. on Docker feeding the main DVR M3U and Guide data.

I see the below about Windows Docker ... So it might be best just to add TVE to docker and run the main channels DVR in Windows.

  • Use the fancybits/channels-dvr:tve image if you need TV Everywhere support
  • The --net=host option is required for the Channels apps to discovery your DVR via Bonjour.
  • Neither Docker for Mac nor Docker for Windows support --net=host . When running on these platforms, you'll have to connect to Channels DVR Server by IP address from Channels. You can do this in the Settings tab of the Channels Apps.

Thank you. The problem is YTTV login doesn't work for me on the main channels dvr in windows. Oh well will just use it locally not remotely (which is my only problem). Thanks again.

Well you can always setup a Channels DVR docker with just TVE on a different port and use the M3U and Guide data from it ... on your main DVR installed in Windows.

I will try to figure that out later today, have family stuff today. Thank you


That wont work. Channels DVR needs the right side of that mapping (container path) to be /channles-dvr
So --volume C:\ChannelsDVRMain:/channels-dvr

But you shouldn't be using the same host (Windows PC) path for both config and recording directories.
So in your case you should be using something like this.

--volume C:\ChannelsDVRMainConfig:/channels-dvr --volume C:\ChannelsDVRMain:/shares/DVR

What you mean it won't work it is working just fine and recording ... I prefer using the same path if the recording drive fails what good is the configuration.

What's in your C:\ChannelsDVRMain\data folder?
Where did Channels DVR put its release folder with its code at?
Do you see a C:\ChannelsDVRMain\2021.08.28.0245 folder?

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No do not see it there. I can always redo it the way you suggested... but it has been working flawlessly... and updating regularly.

If you read my thread from the beginning, you'll see I went from What is Docker to making it work. It was a long road.
For me, the confusion was the mappings for ports and volumes.
Think of the Windows install of Channels DVR Server.
It installs its code (executables) in C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR
In a docker container install that directory will be what you specify in this volume mapping
--volume C:\ChannelsDVRMainConfig:/channels-dvr
The directory to the right of the colon :/channels-dvr is required to be /channels-dvr and is the directory within the container that the Channels DVR code relies on.
Same with port mapping.
The port to the right of of the colon :8089 is required to be 8089 and is the port within the container that Channels DVR code uses to communicate.

Thanks I appreciate you seeing my error I fixed it now have data directory in config and others ... this is much better.


For anyone still looking for this, when I added the docker container to my Synology I put in " sudo docker run --device=/dev/dri -it fancybits/channels-dvr:tve " and got Hardware. Here's a link I went off of Using Containers with the Command Line

Channels — Channels DVR Server (

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Can someone explain to me the advantage of installing Channels as a docker image as opposed to just loading it in Package Center in Synology DSM?

I prefer the Docker image because I was able to create three distinct DVRs, each with their own IP address. This permits me and my family to have individual DVRs in our rooms with different subscriptions, retention periods, and program interests.

That is cool. Never thought of using it like that.

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As a long-delayed followup, I would like to report a pretty good success. I am still using the Docker configuration I was very kindly helped with here. I had left my Synology 920+ sitting on the latest version of DSM 6.2.x to let the bugs get worked out of DSM 7 and for Channels DVR to be ready for it.

Now that DSM 7.1.1 is out, I felt it a good time to give the upgrade a try. I shut down my containers in Docker, then shut down Docker. DSM's update module showed 7.0.1 so I updated to that, and it then showed 7.1 Update 4, so I updated to that, but it wouldn't show 7.1.1 so I did a manual update to that. All of the updates went smoothly and quickly. At the end of all that, Docker wasn't running so I turned it on, turned on the channels-dvr-tve container...

...and everything's working fine.

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